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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. nvm ur all g'y
  2. Hellooo - - - Updated - - - Also another proof : 27 wins almost 2.5 .... Should be enough i guess ? There we already see that MAX +23 per win (How it is on Pandawow and became on retail after WoD) after 1.5 rating is not correct.
  3. Shut the fuck up and go elsewhere with your dumb trashtalk
  4. Can someone confirm?
  5. Ah okay, thanks for the tip :) ! Even sad enough that there is a reason (and u realise it by urself) why you are like that.
  6. Pujo u really remind me of diabolique. You both really want to get hated and do everything for that
  7. Interesting....
  8. and still everyone sh*t on you ... so why should ur "xp" matter ?
  9. Ele here. Noneedtide 3.1 last sxp
  10. In which way would it make 3s more dead ? People have the chance to find good mates in soloque or skirms and with them they might que rated 3s then. The problem right now is that noone even has a mate and since you can buy/sell chars xp or w/e doesnt matter. I'll leave something here.
  11. 4:10 i dont see him randomly getting silenced
  12. 5/10 only bcuz of sonic.
  13. Interesting ... i see some chemistry going on
  14. You barely have to do that. Genesis literally burns ur mana. It can be good ye but not that often tho
  15. Why would it be 40% ? Tooltip says 60% and with battle fatigue it would be less than 30% lol. Pretty sure its 60%.
  16. Lol 8/10 only ? Good joke. Idk why u guys always want to combine that spell with genesis ... srs lol. Just sotf + lifebloom which you use 50%of the time doesnt work so its clearly a 10/10
  17. It shouldnt be affected by battle fatigue but it should be for dampening. Guardian proccs without dampening --> u recieve 60% hp i guess and with ... let say 50% damp you recieve 30%hp. About the heal increasing part, its not affected by anything obv. Let say its 50% damp and you do a 50k serenity, with guardian ud heal around 80k i guess. Not sure if the procc amount i listed (or the healing reduce one) is 100% correct but yeah, thats how it is.
  18. Also whenever u charge and get ccd Mid way you stuck mid way and move to the position/person after that cc ends lol ... you should be ccd after you arrived (intervene/charge) might worth to add.
  19. onlinnne
  20. Was that akuyama on his 2nd acc ?
  21. God ... why didnt they ask you how to play rmd ? Wondering why you didnt hit r1 as rmd yet... Ah bbad mates prob Kappa - - - Updated - - - To make it clear overall ill just quote cdew and hydra: "For the first season of an xpac its fucking good" Nothing else to add. Mongoloid melee dmg without cc was even worse in s12 btw ;)
  22. Interesting thread
  23. Whats just wrong with some people ... idk how many times ppl explained you why it shouödnt get buffed. Im done
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0txiR58lmM
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