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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. well only thing i do on Pandawow is spamming threads till we get title xD Idm.
  2. Well their excuse for not givin me my money which i deserved in 2s on x10 ( yes ppl should get money there ) but hey who cares they couldnt because they merged x10 and x100. ridiculous
  3. Cross realm is dieing every 20 mins + lagging ALL the time. literally EVERYONE is moving while casting + charge through pillars etc. trash host. No titles given after 2 months. Actually never heard smth about the upcoming PvP tourny that they planned to do. Shroom, warriors & dk's still bugged and makes 3s useless. he he tell me when smth changes. brb :3
  4. Wow ppl who defend hunters + ppl who defend wod. This thread is high quality
  5. K that means war then i guess
  6. you think they will respond within the next 20 years ? I made bad experience about this server & staff since noone gives a single little dumb fuck about anyone here. . . . . . . . . . . topkek
  7. The day will come.
  8. Yes because highrated dk's had a brain on retail. At least the few i faced on 2.5 2.6 mmr. Here they cant even copy 1 single spell and still they are 2.5k + mmr
  9. WLS fine what u talking about m9 4Head Kappa
  10. Yes and i said my cat is BY FAR not so dumb. I would compare some of them to a Beetle tbh.
  11. Idk my cat is by far not that dumb.
  12. no i can't. Now leave and i like it. so no
  13. leave my forum pleb. You just opened a new drama thread. ily
  14. wow another dk defender. heyhey fine yo
  15. LMFAO i already thought its about titles.
  16. 1. of all noone is frigthened rofl ? 2. He dont check logs at all. There were ppl who still got a title after they get banned last season. Invalid argument he proofed us that hes just too lazy. And ye ill report it over and over again now. On Dogman you get titles in 5 minutes TOP KEK
  17. Sorry but its actually a joke for how long you have to wait for your titles here.
  18. ^ damn ... thats not dank at all I'll choose Nemifest... GO NEMIFEST
  19. Mute me ? Or respect me ? Mute me ? Or respect me ? Mute me ? Or respect me ?
  20. You think you can win that battle but you can't always gonna be more successful in game and in IRL than you http://cdn.theatlantic.com/newsroom/img/upload/wire/2013/12/31/doge-1/original.jpg
  21. never respect licher too much random mutes and bans
  22. Everyone knows that hes useless, why open a new thread ? hes already the most hated guy on fun lol
  23. ok my bad ... thought after 2 months its time to remind juster but meh .. my bad than SORRY
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