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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Fuck this shit wrong section delete it pls.
  2. delete. /moved
  3. Honestly dk burst > war with reck + all proccs
  4. lel one man one word
  5. Still waiting, need my bonuses to buy hord toons
  6. Noneedholy

    Druid bug

    Omg still bugged, fix it finally
  7. And still, compared to my stats you blow dicks You are just a silly wintrader fuck so leave this server finally
  8. If you lose against a firemage or MW monk in 2s as hunter + heal you are simply bad oh jk you are + a wintrader
  9. /Push ! almost 1k views how u just cant fix it lol
  10. yep not even a new informations from the staff :P
  11. 120120301210230123012001230123/10
  12. gl getting my ip you silly fuck
  13. http://www.twitch.tv/sazziEU --> 3s rmp
  14. yes ,
  15. Can someone from you guys just write a report pls ? lel
  16. Not sure if that is an abuse since i also got this procc on my mage completly randomly in arena without doing anything.
  17. nice report. try this next time. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796
  18. Noneedholy

    Shooting Stars

    100% sure it's bugged. This formula looks almost the same as the nightfall formula which was bugged also.
  19. ikr that is insane "Be as sick as you want to be. Its up to you. There is a Hydra in every single one of you, you just have to believe."
  20. Sure there are no linitations ? I guess with higher cr u wont get that much points anymote. Anyways way more then on Pandawow
  21. Is there already a post in the russian section about that ?
  22. The reason why he was R1 is that he dodged Every decent Team on Pandawow by simply queueing at night or morning and yes i'm talking about dodging EVERYONE and instantly stop queueing if a 2.5k + Team is in Que. How is that possible ? I made the effort to report that here : http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=156362&page=4 it shouldnt even be possible to gain +1 from teams wich are like 1000 rating lower then you lol ... But hey who cares. Anyways my video is da best https://youtu.be/JPML-RX6KlM?t=49m59s. Same what Kaillyx did last s. just with salie. Ah and ye he abused the Alt f4 bug when he was r1 LOL
  23. You want to know what motivation is ? well let me show you https://youtu.be/JPML-RX6KlM?t=49m59s watch the last 3 minutes :P And btw ye pvp power sucks in PvP as Heal but anyways salie sucks so whooooooo cares. You don't even take Pvp power + spirit gems because int + spirit is like 10 million times better even tho your class dont need crit. It's about resillience.
  24. who cares ? we are on Pandawow he can just unban lol ...
  25. Привет России Game Master! Я был бы рад, если вы когда-нибудь редактировал свой доклад. Я знаю, что мой русский г1 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=156362
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