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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. 1. Aethiz 2. Fun 3. Yo as you can obvious see this guy can STILL abuse flyhack in arena. Just watch the whole video and you will understand. 4. http://www.twitch.tv/sazzieu/v/49177948 just watch it at the end he come back with flyhack. 5. Ban this ugly dumbfuck finally, pissing me off that he is doing that PERMANENTLY ! Wasn't the first time and wont be the first time he will do that. This guy keep unbanning & hacking in arena so fucking give him an ip ban or delete chars, thats what u always do with ppl who piss you off @juster. Just go for it because this faggot is pissing me off ty
  2. its still not applied on cross realm. Neither orb poly is
  3. Noneedholy

    fire mage yolo

    haha rekt from tinybaz. Bruv you are simply bad. 110k pyros shithead stop writing here, everyone who played on retail know that pyro did more than 100k on retail in the opener with all proccs. Btw ah ye u didnt mention that you died in the opener when my mage had all proccs :)
  4. Everyone will understand ? Dude everyone already knows that ur wintrading just look in this thread wtf ??? Keep trying to save ur ass Mr. Raou 2.0 /update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idqF9xOgazo btw nice explosive trap abuse. didn't work :( How i know that it was yesterday :D? look at chat, i even asked you "ddos again ye ?" Bro, you suck sorry for that gay music :( Also im wondering why you would que again against me if i would have "ddosed" you ? Wait i have an idea ! wasn't it you who threatet me with ddos :D? Spamming me with a weird german ip and claim that it's mine ? Ohhhhh wait dude ... That's interesting but it didnt work again. Everything you do is just wasted
  5. push :)
  6. u sure ? http://igetatem.com/holy-shit-everyone-needs-one-of-these-it-is-now-possible-to-have-sex-over-the-internet-with-frixion/ http://igetatem.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/frixion-290x160.jpg
  7. did u fuck her ??ßßßßß m1+2+2+2 ßßß???
  8. Well ill give up ... seems like ur scared to que against RMD somehow. But yeah at least your mage won't get a reward. I mean ofc you stopped queueing now after your mage isnt allowed to abuse anymore and this shit got fixed. Stop trashtalking while you can't even que because you are simply too scared to.
  9. no 3s queues on Pandawow bcuz abuser have to dodge
  10. wow bruv. are you srs ? didnt want to pust tons of bullshit screens but here we go since this thread is retarded anyways. [spoiler=the other 10 screens are saved in one of my past broadcasts on my stream] http://i.imgur.com/iPqHKDa.jpg http://i.imgur.com/NyUhhTV.jpg http://i.imgur.com/3r1EevC.jpg even on my alt i beat you. Stop talking BS here and que up :D
  11. yo tard http://i.imgur.com/dRg4dy4.jpg que 3s :)
  12. wow ... honestly i dont care if this thread get closed xD
  13. XAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAX http://24.media.tumblr.com/bdae8e0d8b3bf2c40b3ea57489b8b221/tumblr_n0q9uusDkJ1rnrpgmo1_500.gif
  14. que 3s tonight http://i.imgur.com/rlfYxNj.gifhttp://i.imgur.com/rlfYxNj.gifhttp://i.imgur.com/rlfYxNj.gif http://i.imgur.com/rlfYxNj.gifhttp://i.imgur.com/rlfYxNj.gifhttp://i.imgur.com/rlfYxNj.gifhttp://i.imgur.com/rlfYxNj.gifhttp://i.imgur.com/rlfYxNj.gifhttp://i.imgur.com/rlfYxNj.gif
  15. Que 3s tonight. Haha hes getting mad
  16. Que 3s tonight.
  17. First of all, im r1 in 2s anyways. 2nd im r7 atm on my alt war in 3s and as soon as ur mages rating get resettt (it will bcuz he abused) im r6. Anyways just wanted to let you know :D Rekt bruv. Que 3s tonight :)
  18. i never got banned due abusing neither on my war or on any other character so dont even try it. Abuser scums
  19. you or kailly idc tbh its ur mate. Anyways unban costs only 50 bonuses for 3d so lol just que tonight wheres ur problem ?
  20. yes and spammed me ingame. Rofl ur hilarious, just que 3s tonight please. seems like its too hard for you Topkek @frostshotz no ... but i will Keepo
  21. words.
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