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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Hi most hated guy @the forums. Your mother should have swallowed you
  2. online
  3. This guy (Выше) is wintrading 24/7 and noone from this staff cares actually. Anyways he will prob. get R1 title and even tho he will get trashtalked like raou got ;)
  4. that still breaking from dmg AND roar is disgusting and gamebraking as fuck ... your supposed to pre spectral guise roar / scatter or w/e
  5. it's just a fucking shame ...
  6. 7/10
  7. 1. dreadmelol & a russian war ( can't write the name thats why i uploaded the vid) 2. Fun /cross realm 3. just look at 6:25 where they port inside arena :D 4. 5. it gets annoying ... there are so many hacker / bot user etc. in arena atm that shit is out of controll tbh ... Just ban this retards permanently and dont let them just unban for money ffs
  8. gtfo out of here now. Also the ratio from your youtube videos... HOLY FUCK you suck 250 follower on YT and 66 follower on twitch. Also noone from blazingboost knows you so shut the fuck up. ye ik u got rekt you dont have to tell me that
  9. Look, you found a new retarded friend. Tiggar is exactly like you so hf together you are both retards topkek
  10. Haha still salty and you still care ... Did u try to burn nemifest or what ? Get your shit out of this forum now, you suck A good player wouldnt care ;) Lol i mean look at me, why should i respect you. Your first post in this foum is a huge BabyRage
  11. Yes go back to wotlk than i honestly dont give a fick but i want to mention that ud be one of this guys who couldnt handle the gameplay and would BabyRage 24/7 and quit after 1 day. Seems like you care alot otherwise u wouldnt make a thread just that noone hurts ur internet dick. Faggot Yes... guess you are triggered now so i reached my point. You suck and u wont ever proof it that ur not too bad for mop. Cya ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  12. No words for how less i care for your bullshit here Go back to ur cave where you came from ty Also you are not a lord sry
  13. Its still bugged in arena.
  14. 8/10 also one of his good songs
  15. 2/10 totally failed my taste of music xD but 2 points for talent kek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G24kHRCeJkw
  16. ye it interests you but you never watch it http://orig00.deviantart.net/6e5f/f/2015/066/3/2/twitch_emoticon___wutface_by_centaurman_plz-d8krjib.pnghttp://orig00.deviantart.net/6e5f/f/2015/066/3/2/twitch_emoticon___wutface_by_centaurman_plz-d8krjib.pnghttp://orig00.deviantart.net/6e5f/f/2015/066/3/2/twitch_emoticon___wutface_by_centaurman_plz-d8krjib.pnghttp://orig00.deviantart.net/6e5f/f/2015/066/3/2/twitch_emoticon___wutface_by_centaurman_plz-d8krjib.png
  17. i can understand you ... people like you who are not even in the challanger cutoff might don't interest that (since they play unfair by theirself / ddos topkek ? etc.) Anyways you seems to be mad ? Ofc you hate unfair gameplay because people get an advante from it just to be better than you ? I honestly don't understand your point. I mean you wanted to blame me but yeah well you failed hard ... try it harder next time ddos scum. And tiggar, i don't even have to blame you since you gain so much hate here in the forums already ;D would hurt him too much.
  18. In a world where rats aren't able to talk.
  19. Still super salty that this guy didnt get banned :/ just saying, he will get r1 / r2 soon due his wintrade.
  20. well id say if orb poly get fixed but not the orb, mages are pretty much fucked
  21. nice but thats actually 1/10
  22. gtfo here. Stream is on
  23. Wonering who this r1 player is :rofl_mini:
  24. Well right now uve to go on melee range or orb the heal to get proccs which is rly shit tbh
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