And Anyways that's how supposed to work. And no it won't fuck up the bracket since u won't get that much more points against 2.8 + teams. It's just easier to get 2.2k + which is way better instead of tryharding 70 games against half brained people til you get 2.2k + mmr
Also you are not supposed to get +1 from 2k teams when ur 3k. Here you get +1 wich is also a huge bug and let people like kaillyx farm low retards to get points. Explains why some ppl can get 3k + by farming low teams.
last season it was 2 months xD
And they said nothing. They just said "checking logs" and that can take ages or with some effort 1 evening. so actually thats nothing
Why always the same shit ? let's rate the worst player above 2.6 cr.
This threads are useless and just there to vote for friends / mates srsly.
ye ik my idea is also shit. Same as this thread xD
as i said, give us some bugs or calculations, otherwise this report is worthles.
Spell too much dmg = find a bug or calculate the formula from this spell. It's simple but QQing only won't help you here.
we were playing that in the Teamplay tournament yeah. But with a frostmage cuz arcane is just a troll
fixed what ? any calculations that something is wrong ? any proofs ? videos ? something ? No
all you see is a high pyro crit and (i dont wanna talk about the Pandawow RNG god) which gave me already 250k execute crits with reck so yeah. Write a valid report or stop qqing.
okay to make it more CLEAR for you now that you finally stfu now
why are you talking bullshit ?
because of this :
you got it now ?
And nice video you got there, Healing stream glyph was up (10% less dmg ) + the mage dont even have cloak or trinket proc up lol ? neither he has on use trinket rofl
try it harder. But yeah if you still wanna discuss idk just look at my pic ;D
you have no idea or ? he get knockbacked WITHOUT Beeing in a root wich is a BUG and this hunter obviously abuse it.
Yes the retail trick works only if you root the enemy healer before you scatter knockback trap him
just sayin but ok
you have autism yeah ?
OH 100k in s15 with griev gear ? ye both teams were FULL 522 gear and still he did 92k without even prideful gear ?
ye i bet pyro is supposed to do 70k
wow you have actually no clue about that game. same goes for faina
(everyone has ~510k hp )
oh sry it was s15 and both had still griev gear * anyways you get my point so keep qqing
quote hansol
^in the video description.
i admit that i insulted you but tbh you deserve it. Now i also know who randomban everyone on fun realm. You are just a cancermod sorry to tell you that. Was wondering since u already whispered me before but yeah ur a huge troll and that as chat mod. Provocating people and mute them after how sad can your life be ?
@Nemifest ty but don't even try to discuss with this tards. They even made fake screenshots and sended them to people like dartmeganz. In that they faked a chat history where i said : I only want dartmeganz to get banned thats why i wintraded. This guys are Hilarious and i hope wexx w/e this guy has the balls to post that picture in this thread here. I wanna personally laugh about you
Since noone answered this question ill ask again because (tbh noone even know what he get and the season has ended lol) Juster can you clear it up and tell us what are the rewards (titles + bonuses ) in 2vs2 and 3vs3 this season ? Would be nice and thanks in advance.
You guys are just hilarious cunts who need to create fake screens to "proof" something. Disgusting rat that's what you do but yeah haha we figured it out already that u guys are just fucking liar. Yes i mean you and wexxe what the fuck idc about this shit name
I heard that Wexewellence sent some ppl faked screens where i said "i only wanted to get dartmeganz banned" Dude you are a fucking disgusting rat. Am i that important ? I mean that important that you even have to create fake screens you dirty scum ? at least awbeex whispered me and told me from ur bullshit
fucking dumbass. Your life must be sad as fuck you should better go outside or get soem friends because that isnt healthy at all lol