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Everything posted by ReportingINCrofl

  1. Why the hell do u worry so much about someone judging you? Just look at me, Autsch, Repitchx, us three ratchets looks like some detroit new jersey cunts. Even Noneed :D Don't worry, you look good
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfWubMt6IL4
  3. Was something useless. Tried to compare something retail to pwow but nevermind.
  4. everyone else is mentioning "useless" bugs, hence repitchx listed some actual 10/10 near bugs and not pujo/10
  5. One should be with at least Enhancement gear 550, as expected. Second should be with at least Restoration gear 550, as expected. Miscellaneous items isn't bothered.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mk61UFOOUI does this happen to ur taco when it steals you from ur homeland and land u at bg panel?
  7. Name: Nightsecrets Realm: x100 Proof: http://i.imgur.com/voLFDOk.jpg
  8. you'll have to change the whole system then, lol. Bot detecter is the best, I recommend. It just scans ur wow file everytime you login and blocks the software affecting the wow client.
  9. theres hardly any server that has "bot" detecter. btw, you just show how ignorant you are not saying taco to someone that is from spain, which is fun because it shows how tacolicious you are about world knowledge haha.
  10. Warden isn't a program Game Masters have. Lol. Just search it up on ownedcore or something, a taco there will help you hopefully.
  11. Name of spell: https://web.archive.org/web/20140203152548/http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=19434 Description of the problem: The percentage of the ability is incorrect. How it must work: It should do 450% of your weapon damage. Prideful Bow's "max" weapon damage =26605 Date when you tested it: 11/18/16 Realm (x100/x5/Fun): x100 Priority of the problem: 6/10 Not completely sure honestly. Test calculation(Without any buffs or self class buffs): My Wep Max Damage = 26605 450% of 26605 = 119722.5 + 2878 ( Description damage plus "Max" ) PvPResil = 122600.5 - 80% = 24520.1 PvPPower(Mine - 57.54%) = 24520.1 + 57.54% = 38628.96554 Since it was a crit, multiple by 2. 38628.96554 * 2 = 77257.93108 - Rounding up which is 77258. I've done the calculation with the lowest Wep damage ( Prideful Bow ) Which resulted into = 52105.09468 - Rounding up which is 52106. http://imgur.com/OKxZSdA Is what I actually did. I'll try to find the correct percentage number, so it'll be easier to fix it with modification. ( Please correct me if I'm wrong. Unsure )
  12. Because no'one has full script of warden.
  13. Name: Парцифаль Realm: x100 proof: http://imgur.com/a/ISJqQ
  14. Spain still gets mexican'ed. Tacohead.
  15. Do the same on Horde, but act as you were on Alliance, not purposely suck.
  16. "shouldn't" be that hard, put multiple collusions(walls - Inb4 someone asks what it is:http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/26501/how-does-a-collision-engine-work ) in the visual wall. That way, when someone gets cc'ed that ignores pathfinding, he won't be able to go through the collusion What the invisible wall looks like: http://lh4.ggpht.com/_zoG5sV2wa80/ShficmUyQ-I/AAAAAAAAAEY/iPHshUSh-Z4/s1440/aboveUCwall.jpg hope it helps :D
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