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Takaa. 3

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Everything posted by Takaa. 3

  1. Its retail you clueless fuck , Cant you see???? bloodxtwo-frostmane
  2. For anything u can get ban here
  3. Mute 30 min for : blyat http://www.hapshack.com/images/uF98z.jpg
  4. noneed : dmg of dk are too op compared to retail http://img.20mn.fr/XijXhaAGT_qzZq4xBqWMGg/648x415_illustration-coq.jpg
  5. We gonna see who end with 1rst place http://i1.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/017/403/Kappa.jpg
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHvsy7FWKn8
  7. i agree
  8. [ATTACH=CONFIG]116014[/ATTACH] :shock:
  9. dude i dont get ur point , HE abuse so HE get the ban. lot of people got 30d ban for less
  10. http://www.midwestsportsfans.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/mj-laughing.gif >Mfw Worst abuser ever , now KYS 5s hero
  11. 7/10
  12. Takaa. 3

    TOP 3v3

  13. Takaa. 3

    TOP 3v3

  14. http://replygif.net/thumbnail/735.gif haha nice man
  15. Takaa. 3

    TOP 2v2

  16. Takaa. 3

    TOP 3v3

  17. Takaa. 3

    TOP 3v3

    today i 2-0 funk's tsg as ELe/ dk / rdru Seems even more broken [ATTACH=CONFIG]115858[/ATTACH]
  18. no one cares about your wintrader opinion
  19. ......................
  20. comedy 2016
  21. "FOTMSCUM" noneedholy comps 2s : MW/WAR , RSHAM/WAR , RDRU/FIREMAGE (got carried by sucking baaz's dick for over 3 season now so whatever baaz could have done this with any other druid it would have been the same ) 3s : WMS FIRE (sucking baaz's dick again , saying that 150k pyros are legit ) MLD ( ??? nothing just sad as fuck getting carried hard by his own teammate and when he lose he blames them ) [ATTACH=CONFIG]115693[/ATTACH]
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