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Takaa. 3

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Everything posted by Takaa. 3

  1. [autism intensifies]
  2. TL DR
  3. Basicly this noneed guy sayin that because he got raped by dk's on ptr/retail he know how dk should be working [ATTACH=CONFIG]114593[/ATTACH] N T
  4. Not good enough http://imgur.com/a/Y0rTB [ATTACH=CONFIG]114571[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]114570[/ATTACH]
  6. Рыцарь Смерти Takaa Fun 64 2 1966 As i said , clueless retard come and talk there
  7. Noneed's backup , just gtfo no one talked to you Clown fiesta
  8. Im not here for drama also but this kid cant speak with his brain thats the problem lol when he write something on the forum its always for argue like dude no 1 cares about you gtfo lol
  9. http://eu.battle.net/wow/de/character/aegwynn/Humanswagyo/pvp#bgs [ATTACH=CONFIG]114359[/ATTACH] Now i understand why you hate so much dks , u got buttfucked by anaconda on all realm : / sad story : / Wtf are you doing playing this game anymore bro ? : //
  10. > TFW the worst player on this server trying to talk about xp (1800 retail) [ATTACH=CONFIG]114355[/ATTACH]
  11. >tfw clueless guys say how dk's should work [ATTACH=CONFIG]114308[/ATTACH]
  12. 1/10 gonna make me cry :cry:
  13. 0/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uhQlP2IgZw
  14. 10/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQoJvI8XUa0
  15. [ATTACH=CONFIG]113296[/ATTACH]
  16. "takaa u dont have arguments" [ATTACH=CONFIG]113295[/ATTACH]
  17. NOneed's backup as arrived , No one called him but its too much telling the truth about noneed is too rude :mocking: Wont gonna answer anymore cant handle the cringe :bo:
  18. Im mad ? You talk about me all time but i just dont give a shit about you lol , even ur mate dont want to play with you anymore since u are autistic as fuck Xddddddddddddddddddd U are the cringiest kid ive ever saw on the internet like reallly mate get a life , u are not tired of this ???? tryharding over 3 years for making dramas ? pLEASE ?
  19. Man its ok we got it coruption is BUGGED now shut the fuck up and stop spaming the forums about it ? u think its gonna make gm's fix this shit quicker ? no so KYS (clueless retard talking about knowledge) U dont understand why i said u got no life but its ok lol , IG > IRL for you
  20. i talk about dennis mate
  21. Why hes comming here for talk shit every time ? he must got no life
  22. http://imgur.com/a/Y0rTB :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: they dodge djfrrez and telpin :shock: u dont understand that if they fix blood tap thats gonna be worse , cant wait lol
  23. i didnt wanted to get any answers of gms , We talking about those 3 retardos and wegee send random Screenshot :confused:
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