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Takaa. 3

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Everything posted by Takaa. 3

  1. this is insane ... i proved that u dodging and u are keep talking shit , JUST STOP lol
  2. Yes go check logs and see when i renamed =) ( u think i dont gonna get my title because i dc in dalaran start ? nice try man) = -20 rating for me and zank GG NICE ABUSE
  3. guys just stop talk u dont see zeox message ? if u do foul play rating = decrease
  4. dont talk please man when u get proc vs djfrez u didnt enter for dont loose any rating , he got imgur man
  5. so u are afraid to que on djfreez ? XD
  6. Snipe ? u are begging me for que cant you read ? , dodging all day
  7. Too bad , u should just shut the fuck up mate u fucked urself ... Begging me for que then dodge , keep going mate
  8. Say to me "go que 3s" then when zanked and telpin connect , they all disconect :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: http://imgur.com/a/mWdA3 9 Чернокнижник Worstworldz Fun 237 60 2352 11 Воин Johnyblàzex Fun 131 32 2347 53 Монах Vegari Fun 168 70 2126 (2.9 retail) :mocking:
  9. :confused:
  10. 8/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIQn8pab8Vc
  11. you were 2000 with 200 win as dk so pls ...
  12. Team name : Le cancer has arrived Team leader : Craigxen :deathknight: Members : :deathknight: Craigxen :warrior: Telpin :shaman: Pwnanza For replacement: :warlock: Funkabizsax Comp : SKILL TSG / Shadow cleave :mocking: Achievements : R1 team 3s : http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/info/arena.html?type=3 everyone have 3k+ [ATTACH=CONFIG]112794[/ATTACH] FUN REALM
  13. 10/10 love j cole :dance: :dance:
  14. You link cringy death metal and AVI mix come on man ... you are just to retarded to listen rap :mocking: (all rap sound same :crazy: )
  15. 0/10 can you stop link shit xddddd
  16. 0/10 hate those kind of song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fR3ITE967mM
  17. 5/10
  18. [ATTACH=CONFIG]112600[/ATTACH] got one also if needed 2600 mmr thats fucked up lol
  19. 0/10 hate newfag songs
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyjR9bhBWjQ SPECIAL SONG FOR MR.PUJO :heart: :dance:
  22. How do you know this ?
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