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Takaa. 3

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Everything posted by Takaa. 3

  1. Dude u are literally the most retarded player ive seen here , you play mw / war and you say that rdruid dk is a scum comp ,bro keep playing mw / war if u que mage / dru you gonna see how "cancer" rdru/dk is ;) Call me fotmhero but u played only rsham war / MW war and mage dru kinda funny tho lol 90 % damp as mw war nice stomp "lul" , keep lying man u qued as MW / War To 2900+ with chiv on s2
  2. 7/10 rip 3pac :sad:
  3. you sniped me and zanked as MW / WAR so why you complain about mw war when u que this comp also?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  4. So ?? ????
  5. dk + mw new best comp
  6. Want it ?
  7. The priest mc me and then i take 562k dmg out of nowhere
  8. i have 20k conquest + some pve its ok
  9. Warrior 550 with cm / s15 elite 2k rating atm for min price
  10. Takaa. 3

    Blizzcon 2014

    cheaters exposed
  11. Takaa. 3

    Blizzcon 2014

    Ask zanked ? lol u didnt left ? we kicked you = ) ofc i farmed none [ATTACH=CONFIG]115459[/ATTACH] thats why we end up r1 http://imgur.com/a/Y0rTB you didnt played serious ? HAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA you just a joke BTW i didnt played arena on s2 so keep lying bro thats just proove that u got 0 arguments
  12. Takaa. 3

    Blizzcon 2014

    They fix blood tap so now dks are pretty strong can kill mw war now
  13. Takaa. 3

    Blizzcon 2014

    LOVE when ppl say that dk is op but no one plays it
  14. Takaa. 3

    Blizzcon 2014

    You sucked my dick on ur warrior for que as TSG so whats your point ? lol , Since we started to play TSG everyone say that is op [ATTACH=CONFIG]115453[/ATTACH] being so salty because u got farmed by us .... Saying that we lose against you but u not even on top 10 thats weird , you literraly made our rating :pardon:
  15. blaston ban ? serioously? noooo seriously ?? nooooo seriously ? noooo
  16. Takaa. 3

    Blizzcon 2014

    Challenger with no skill [ATTACH=CONFIG]115379[/ATTACH] talk in forum but suck in game
  17. PQR )))) my name is not sadmana suka ))
  18. Takaa. 3

    Blizzcon 2014

    ppl gonna talk about takaasg even 10 years later [ATTACH=CONFIG]115375[/ATTACH]
  19. x100 > fun in s1 now its fun
  20. Takaa. 3

    How old are you?

    >mfw [ATTACH=CONFIG]115282[/ATTACH]
  21. mage : anythingz , coldsiemenx sham : zanked , sashagreyx druid : realznk war : telpin dk : me , noneedsuck warlock : Wapx , matraka rogue : alexisren hunt : eccay pal : dima monk : salie :crab: gay : Alexgey aka awbitchx ;) priest : ???
  22. ебать твою мать suka
  23. Bro do u know what "fotm" means ?i started dk shortly after s1 because of ceroline but whatever , i never said that warriors dmg were legit ? why are u trying to lie now ???? you dont understand that you are one of the worst player here thats why u struggle against dk's , u complain about dks but alexisren got his r1 title by playing AGAINST dk honestly i dont know why u are so mad about dks , did u played last season ? lol - - - Updated - - - nice lies tho , try harder http://imgur.com/a/Y0rTB im not the guy that afk 2 hours after getting 4-0 :bomb:
  24. u have no proof of what u trying to say the only "proof" u got is the runic coruption bug but its fixed now so u should shut the fuck up everybody say that u are wrong except ur dog rebitchx so whatever , you say that because u got fucked on retail you know how dk should works ....... some retail footage : https://www.twitch.tv/metamorphikx/v/47979289 /
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