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Everything posted by Autschbatsch

  1. L2p issue. On a serious note solo Q is really good these days. Item lvl could be increased slightly but it only really matters depending on the comb you'll end up with.
  2. I heard people saying shockwave critting 80+ again?
  3. Let me screenshot this. L o L Yea, framing isn't hard. There are lot's of fallacies but cba to waste my time on this now.
  4. Topkek, pally too weak. No HPS, mana problems. Overall a lot less viable than in s15 retail. Use your DB for fixing something actually useful, would appreciate it xD
  5. Google Blyat:"Wo sind die Beweise aus der Lizenz? Also die fiktiven Käfer auf den Pandavas in den Bumkins, der Stern arbeitet jetzt als ob immer mit einem Symbol, um diejenigen nicht zu schlagen, die die Palmen kontrollieren Die Hand des Schutzes in physischer Kontrolle funktioniert nicht für Verbündete, psyched beginnt mit dem Casting, auch wenn Sie Pandavas und diejenigen, die Bagichi ps reparieren Das sollte nicht unbedingt sein" Dini muätr isch a stinkändi fettigi Mada und brüchti wider mol a Ruckawäsch vo diar. Also gohn besser das go macha als mini Zit ds verschwenda du Kacklappa. Lg - - - Updated - - - Not up to me to decide. If it really was like this in 5.4.7 I'll gladly remove it from this report. However I don't see why this should not be fixed. It won't make the ability OP, just more logical to work that way.
  6. 1. Dark Simulacrum 77606 2. [spoiler=Issues:] 1 It can Copy Command Demon 2 You can't cast the stolen spell while moving if it had casting time 3 You can't steal Psychic Scream 8122 and Turn Evil 10326 and Holy Shock 20473 4 Should steal a the first spell, not a queued up instant spell off a casted one For example:If a mage casts sheep on a dk and is queueing another instant spell up ( like ice lance ) it will steal ice lance even though sheep was casted first 3. [spoiler=How it should be:] 1 Should not Steal Command Demon 2 Should be able to cast any stolen spell while moving if you stole a spell with casting time 3 Should be able to steal Psychic Scream, Turn Evil, Holy shock 4 Should steal the first spell casted, not the instant spell queued up after [spoiler=Proof:] 1 Pandawow: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=237908 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=195909 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=211854 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=236641 3 Pandawow: 4 Pandawow: https://clips.twitch.tv/BusyTolerantReindeerCharlieBitMe 4. 15 May 2018 5. xFun 6. Prioritiy of the bug: 4/10 for 2 4 5, someone please fix dk dmg btw:)
  7. 1. 30823 Shamanistic Rage (+Glyph 63280) 2. [spoiler=Issues:] 1 It is able to be used under effect of CC, if a stun aura got applied first and is still active (could only make it work with sheep so far) 3. [spoiler=How it should be:] 1 Should not be able to use Shamanistic Rage when under the effect of CC (please help me out here if there are exceptions besides stun effects) [spoiler=Proof:] 1 Pandawow: 4. 13 May 2018 5. xFun 6. 6/10
  8. 1. Totem Bar with and without 55442 Glyph 2. [spoiler=Issues:] 1 It displays a wrong timer of Capacitor Totem detonating REGARDLESS of playing with the glyph or not 3. [spoiler=How it should be:] 1 Should display a 2second timer when playing with the glyph Should display a 5second timer when playing without the glyph [spoiler=Proof:] 1 Pandawow: 4. 13 May 2018 5. xFun 6. 3/10 visual bug
  9. Has been fixed, thank you for informing us.
  10. Fix needs review. Flametongue is not fixed yet.
  11. 1. Glyph of Polymorph 2. [spoiler=Issues:] 1 Doesn't remove any DoTs 3. [spoiler=How it should be:] 1 Should remove all DoTs [spoiler=Proof:] 1 Pandawow: 4. 12 May 2018 5. xFun 6. 10/10
  12. 1. Alter Time 108978 & Mirror Image 55342 2. [spoiler=Issues:] 1 When you Alter Time with Mirror Image active all enemy targets will lose you as a target and stop their cast if it is casted towards the mage 3. [spoiler=How it should be:] 1 Alter Time should have no effect on spellcating whatsoever [spoiler=Proof:] 1 Pandawow: https://clips.twitch.tv/EntertainingTolerantCucumberRalpherZ More: https://i.gyazo.com/cf79ebdd8baf0e19649219ce8ee403c9.gif https://clips.twitch.tv/FamousHappyGrasshopper4Head Here a clearer example with "altering back" manually: 4. 8 May 2018 5. xFun 6. 10/10 utterly broken in openers making it impossible to time a cast off Alter Time
  13. Fixed and tested. https://i.gyazo.com/76e3a04f9db0cd09dd04368e251ae0b4.gif
  14. Yea but with not being rog you don't even see someone if they are touching your hitbox infront of you.
  15. Is this hard to fix or something? It's literally impossible to detect someone in stealth unless you are a rogue.
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