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Everything posted by Autschbatsch

  1. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=238936 Should not be affected by dampening. Fixed and tested.
  2. Not fixed yet. Doesn't proc on the pally.
  3. Fixed and tested. Props to Halta for helping out here and there.
  4. Fixed, reflect gets consumed by the Glyph and reflected to the pally, dmg and Judement itself won't.
  5. Fixed and tested. However, Judement is able to miss, which is really weird. Related@neff?
  6. This is cyclone and link all over again. $ Exceptions that aren't "really" bugs.
  7. Declined - Moved - Redirect link so people see the statement.
  8. Am I supposed to be triggered or offended by something here? This discussion held here is very vague and pointless. Also Zeox statements are very missleading, there is no clear stance on such reports yet. He'd have to make a more decisive one. Create a GD thread and evaluate all the "Bugs" that were on retail or whatever. 5.4.8 *7 :} * As said, I'm not a fan of either options, so there needs to be some constructive reasoning and facts. Closed.
  9. #Arguingaboutwhatisabugandwhatnot #pujo http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/187/763/dcd.jpg Omfg.... Noone will be alright with whatever desicion about such bugs will be made. Everything will be a tradeoff regardless of what you like to be fixed or not. Going by a reasonable state of a mechanic over the timespan of the expansion which is MoP might be a somewhat good guideline to decide if something should be fixed or not. So correct me if I am wrong but RoF was off GCD at some point in MoP right? If that was the case I'd say it might be more "reasonable" to by a version which has NO GCD.
  10. How should it be if your reverse that mechanic? Pls with proof regarding this.
  11. I had the feeling they tick slower for the first tick when applied. Yea this is a thing, very likely not only on druid hots.
  12. Wat. He threw hammer in it. Judgement removed it? - - - Updated - - - Nvm I see it.
  13. If this report is valid I'd like to see a fix sometime. Good morning and good day. :bye:
  14. Not the same IP. Idk man, if you'd be a lurker like you say you'd know that certain people you calling out on not doing anything are in fact doing the most. Obviously people will complain if there is already an imbalance without further fixes...
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