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Everything posted by Autschbatsch

  1. http://i.imgur.com/y2LxgwV.jpg Well if someone knows some rich oilman :) I will ask diabloique :P. I got alot of pictures of what is included. If you knew that I played WoW basically since beta, you would understand how much enjoyment I get out of the game nowdays.
  2. Random offtopic question: Can I try to sell my RETAIL account in this forum? xD
  3. Just leaving this here. #bugdiscussion https://www.wow-freakz.com/spells.php?spell=6229 is active.
  4. Also the range seems bugged comparable to Spirit Linktotem. But I guess it is just a response/scripting problem how long a condition should stay which is AoE. Slower
  5. Editfiller to change contex when getting closed Kappa.
  6. http://i.imgur.com/YrRNnJf.jpg Pujo rank1 inc!
  7. Good thing pets will chase the rog with dots right guys? :)
  8. I also lvled a x100 horde warlock now. Feel free to add me, I will probably gear it etc. I'm working alot irl with later shifts so don't expect me to play alot.
  9. Funny how you changed your mind tho :)
  10. He had no wings aswell you know...
  11. I asked a good pally if this is legit but he didn't answer.
  12. The "buffer" should get in combat when buffing a target in combat.
  13. I don't like the idea of 3v3 skirmish , it will cause alot of problems cause then everybody would not even bother to try to find people to play rated 3v3. I would really like to see a 1v1 skirmish tho. Skirmish for 2v2 seems kinda appropriate aswell since 2s q's seeem active.
  14. Oooh the drama is on! Who is a better afflilock than him? The 2x blizzcon champion Fabs?
  15. Will you return next season?? You are all jealous of pujos skills. I never seen him not beeing first in DMG in a BG! He also farms funka and other good players in 3v3, he almost won against me aswell once. I think he is capable of getting rank1 if he applies my spec for arena.
  16. That's not a judgement bug. It's Blood Horror itself. It triggers on alo of ranged attacks ( not spells tho ).
  17. I was pretty sure in the report above was stated that it should also just purge 1charge of earth shield. That's why I asked if it will be applied to Backdraft aswell. I didn't mean that http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=30449/spellsteal should not steal http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=117828/backdraft ! What I meant is that http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=117828/backdraft gets purged/stolen with 1 action. So it will remove all 3 or 6stacks of it with 1 http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=33625/purge or http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=30449/spellsteal. And that's the bug. http://i.imgur.com/jKdFyTH.png Proof how it is on pandawow:
  18. So I see that there are 2 new staff members in this section. If you need assistance feel free to PM me or add me on discord. Autschi#3078
  19. They said it got fixed, but they also mentioned that they disabled it again cause of issues, can't remember where or when tho. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=196955
  20. Will stream some 2s capping in 1h. Probably no 3s today cause no season :crab:
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