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Everything posted by Autschbatsch

  1. 1. Name of the violator: Flexprodx 2. Realm: Fun 3. Description of the violation: We played against him and after the game he confesses that he in fact DDoses like assumed and on top of that he insults me and my relatives. 4. http://i.imgur.com/eUe6cQc.jpg 5. He is obviously toxic as hell and deserves a bann. Thx in advance
  2. WTS my alt warlock with full 550 PvP gear and alot of stuff etc. You can find it under the auctions. /w me ingame thumbnail for mounts ... http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-4841898.html armory
  3. Good thread mate! Make it happen!
  4. Actually, nope, there is not a single spell besides rain of fire which is bugged dmg-wise. Affli has almost unlimited haunts to spam where as destro can not even rezz his pet with embers. People complaining about destro is the most ridiculous thing lmao xD
  5. Maybe you are referring to deep freeze 300-400k dmg which would be true. Stuns+burst is common in pretty much in every lineup but hey w/e
  6. Refhreshed the page and stuff dunno
  7. SORRY made the thread twice per ACCIDENT :facepalm: 1. Name of not working spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=8143/tremor-totem#changelog 2. Description of the problem: Tremor totem can be used to get out of " http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=6789/mortal-coil " Apply Aura: Loss of Control Mechanic: >>>>Horrified 3. How it must work: Motal Coil is an Horror-Effect like http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=64044/psychic-horror and should not be tremorable. 4. Date when you tested it: 9 January 2016 5. Realm: Fun 6. Priority of the problem: Shamans are bugged as hell and need >>spell-school and TOTEM fixes
  8. 1. Name of not working spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=8143/tremor-totem#changelog http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Tremor_Totem 2. Description of the problem: Tremor totem can be used to get out of " http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=6789/mortal-coil " and http://wow.gamepedia.com/Blood_Horror Apply Aura: Loss of Control Mechanic: >>>>Horrified 3. How it must work: Motal Coil is an Horror-Effect like http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=64044/psychic-horror and should not be tremorable. 4. Date when you tested it: 9 January 2016 5. Realm: Fun 6. Priority of the problem: Please make shamans punishable .... atm shamans can not be punished for beeing bad proof that you can tremor Blood Horror---> ON PANDAWOW https://embed.gyazo.com/4cd45f4d8a2c81b47004dcb5cc017930.gif Aura is Horrified Proof that you DON'T get out of Blood Horror&Mortal Coil Retail footage where it gets displayed really clear.
  9. 1. Name of not working spell: Soulurn http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=74434/soulburn# 2. Description of the problem: Simple, you can apply "Unstable Affliction" without casting while "Soulburn" is active. 3.How it must work: You should are supposed to cast "Unstable Affliction" while "Souburn"-buff is up. 4.Date when you tested it. 1.1.2016 5.Realm: Fun 6.Priority of the problem: 6/10 Simple and OP
  10. There is just something wrong with it and it's annoying as hell since you have no possability to get ever a pet back against cleaves.
  11. Yea it's supposed to work how it is, every player that played retail can confirm that .... it's called snap-shotting and was removed during WoD because of brain-pruning. LMAO affliction locks complaining /thread
  12. "you called me a "hurensohn" " - lol still not reading right? How am I calling YOU a "son of a bitch"? Beeing salty is no relevant factor to make your statements any true. I mean you would not have made senseless reports when you would have won that match.
  13. So baiscally you are allegating us that we are insulting YOU based on emotes? PJSalt .... the heck srsly
  14. 1. Name of not working spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=8143/tremor-totem , http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=8177/grounding-totem 2. Description of the problem: Both spells don't get locked on interrupt CD when kicked into nature school. 3. How it must work: It should get a interrupt CD when kicked. Spell school proof is on wowhead above. ( Spell Details-> School Nature ) 4. Date when you tested it: 20.12.2015 5. Realm: Fun 6. Priority of the problem: 5/10 since even worse players abuse it without knowing it on a daily basis. [ATTACH=CONFIG]99669[/ATTACH]
  15. I know but it can still be abused and it is stupid to use 6hotkeys for 2actions.
  16. 1. Name of not working spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=119898/command-demon#changelog 2. Description of the problem: The bug occurs when you play with "Grimoire of Sacrifice". Now what occurs is the following; You have your normal "Fellhunter" out and active and cast "Command Demon", it will NOT cast the Fellhunters "Spell Lock" ability.....instead what it does is cast a "Command Demon" out from the Warlock. 3.How it must work: It is supposed to work like this (With Grimoire of Sacrifice); You have your "Fellhunter" out and cast "Command Demon", it then triggers the pets ability "Spell Lock" and can NOT trigger the Warlocks OWN version of "Command Demon; Fellhunter: Spell Lock" since you have no "Grimoire of Sacrifice" BUFF up yet. Only when you cast your spell "Grimoire of Sacrifice" and have the BUFF up with NO PET you should be able to cast your "own" "Command Demon". And let me be clear with one last thing here, "COMMAND DEMON" will not trigger a cooldown when you use it for your Fellhunters ability "Spell Lock" so you will be able to "Command Demon" your Warlocks "Command Demon" after you use "Grimoire of Sacrifice" and have the buff up. It does NOT share a cooldown. 4.Date when you tested it: 20.12.2015 5.Realm: Fun 6.Priority of the problem: 10/10 since it is a very important ability for PvP all around. THE SECOND ASPECT ABOUT COMMAND DEMON IS THIS SIMPLE THING http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=176605 UPDATED proof also on https://www.twitch.tv/autschi/v/61609912 at 1min 15s i use command demon (this is not a macro btw so don't accuse me with BS), so you will use your OWN silence first, and after you used it you are UNABLE to use PET silence with command demon. Proof how it was on retail: Note: It worked fine like on retail until some patch after summer ( in FUCKING 2015 ) :mad: jesus Edit 11 September 2016, I think this as clearly written as you possibly can. Still, all people that /w me don't understand AT ALL how it is SUPPOSED to be. So if anything is unclear let me know I can show retail footage and pandawow footage in a 1:1 scenario so you see it.
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