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Everything posted by Lefap

  1. It's not specified in the rules of reporting tho, is it :P. It's quite obvious what's said in the video anyway
  2. The other videos are recorded by Milorad, this one is recorded by me. It's his channel, smartass :)
  3. It does not say anywhere that your mature filter has to be disabled Stop flooding the report with your useless shit, let the mods decide :)
  4. This is fun realm, I don't know how to prove it to ya, but it is. No scripting was involved either, next time he'll shit talk me I'll even record whole conversation with him still sending messages if needed :P Stop dodging the ban, the proof is obvious :) It's cool for you to share the script tho, we'll find out how vegari was faking the reports :)
  5. I told him it was me on the /5 chat so he started trashing me in /w :) Also it's a problem with me having a 30min /played char in my report, yet this - http://prntscr.com/ed5ofd - was perfectly fine in yours? Thats' another account, that I made since my main was getting banned. For all you know I might be a clicker :P Also, this exists: http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info7529-JustTheArt.html Mature filter is on because it's a fresh account, it doesn't say anywhere that it should be off either :) I shift + clicked his name, which is the same as /who and he was offline as, seen in the video. Also as machmollo said, the char has 30 minutes of /played and is lvl90, how can that be a char on 100x :) Your arguments are weak af, the evidence are clear, I don't know why are you even trying to defend him when we all know this is what he has done :)
  6. Name of the violator (if the name contains alt-code, try to copy it from your game chat). Vegarx (seen in the video) Realm, where you saw the violation. Fun Description of the violation (write please in English very clearly and understandably). Insulting me and my family (specificaly mother) in the in-game chat Proof: screenshots or video (depending on the requirements). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xi5bYeAU95s HD :) Comments to the situation (if it's needed). Not much to comment, the kid is a flamer. Everything is seen in the video
  7. There's no proof that the screenshot is from the video too :D
  8. Maybe that's the reason so many people got unjustified bans? God...
  9. Look at the god damn whisper window tab's name it says "Daddyl..." Does that look like an "i" at any point to you?
  10. Thanks, you can see that it's "daddylssues" instead of "daddyissues" even better in this vid
  11. The name of the dk that's whispering you is "Daddylssues' with an "L" not "Daddyissues" (you can see that quite clearly at the end when he shift clicks the name) You're faking yet another report My english is not that shit upload a HD quality video where it's clear that the person whispering you is in fact me, not a char you've made to fake report me I have never said "bastard" in my life either o.o
  12. Get your own identity you fuck
  13. Missing noneeedholly (3 e's). I got the updated list on my report - http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=211197 Idk why is it taking so long to make a decision about something this obvious o.O
  14. Ironic xD
  15. And you did fake their names, didn't you? :P
  16. Updated the report, added breaking of rule 1.2 as well.
  17. They are listed in the report.
  18. Facepalm, gotta tell autschi to update his list
  19. And another one. See what I mean? http://image.prntscr.com/image/8baf2e09dbf44191ad3dac0be22d5a64.png just ban this clown
  20. http://image.prntscr.com/image/85aba1e9c65f424abf7f1b27f5d42540.png Add another account to the list.
  21. 1. Name of the user: SenjorPujo OR (Special thanks to autschi) 2. Link of his profile. http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=44948 Not linking ALL of the account profiles 3. Paragraph of the forum rules which has been broken by the user. Been excesivelly breaking the following rules throughout the last few months all over the forums: 2.10. Off-topic, posting in the wrong section, spamming. 2.12. Flaming and/or trolling against any staff or forum member. 2.16. Creating Multiaccounts, if your main account was banned. Creating more then 5 multiaccount during the ban time of main account - permanent ban to the main account. If the new QA testers count as members of staff (which I assume they do) he broke rule 1.2 as well (1.2. It is forbidden to use nicknames "Administrator", "Moderator" and so on and forbidden to use administrator's and moderator's nicknames and similar or any avatars containing words moderator, administrator and similar) A lot of those accounts have almost the same names / avatars as the QA testers - repitch / noneedholy 4. Link on the message with violation. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=210164&p=1257805&viewfull=1#post1257805 - post with the list of his accounts (2.16) http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=207302&page=2&p=1241334&viewfull=1#post1241334 - Bashing forum members (2.12) http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=210164&page=3&p=1259684&viewfull=1#post1259684 - Bashing forum members (2.12) http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=203941&page=31&p=1262545&viewfull=1#post1262545 - Bashing forum members (2.12) -
  22. Right, gonna edit that
  23. 1. Name of the user: SenjorPujo OR (Special thanks to autschi) 2. Link of his profile. http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=44948 Not linking ALL of the account profiles 3. Paragraph of the forum rules which has been broken by the user. Been excesivelly breaking the following rules throughout the last few months all over the forums: 2.10. Off-topic, posting in the wrong section, spamming. 2.12. Flaming and/or trolling against any staff or forum member. 2.16. Creating Multiaccounts, if your main account was banned. Creating more then 5 multiaccount during the ban time of main account - permanent ban to the main account. If the new QA testers count as members of staff (which I assume they do) he broke rule 1.2 as well (1.2. It is forbidden to use nicknames "Administrator", "Moderator" and so on and forbidden to use administrator's and moderator's nicknames and similar or any avatars containing words moderator, administrator and similar) A lot of those accounts have almost the same names / avatars as the QA testers - repitch / noneedholy 4. Link on the message with violation. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=210164&p=1257805&viewfull=1#post1257805 - post with the list of his accounts (2.16) http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=207302&page=2&p=1241334&viewfull=1#post1241334 - Bashing forum members (2.12) http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=210164&page=3&p=1259684&viewfull=1#post1259684 - Bashing forum members (2.12) http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=203941&page=31&p=1262545&viewfull=1#post1262545 - Bashing forum members (2.12) -
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