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Everything posted by Lefap

  1. Qwanya pussied out 100% Akuyama most likely too Is Diabolique even still playin?
  2. This is actually an interesting thread tho, would be cool if it stayed on topic :P
  3. Here comes the 12 y/o flamer with no life that you all love so much Kappa @Austch must feel good to finally get a pic of me that isn't my crotch KappaPride http://prntscr.com/di4k0o There's nothing new you can tell me about my irl looks so like gl flaming me LUL Challengin Weegee and mr. senjorpujo ;)
  4. Name of the violator: Порыгал Realm, where you saw the violation: Cross realm, player is from Fun Description of the violation: Abusing the "Faster start" crystal in Dalaran arena to drag the game You should write what the violation is because it will be easier for the administrator or chat moderator to understand what to look for on the proof material: I'm not even sure, but I was told this is bannable Proof: http://prnt.sc/dhv76o http://prntscr.com/dhv8j7 (one where you can see his realm) Comments to the situation: Should be clear enough
  5. Why are people camping my conversations.. This wasn't in a racist context, just me tlaking to my buddy, same as me calling me him a c*nt wouldn't have been an insult, because it's how we call eachother o.o
  6. That's not how bug reports work > . >
  7. Pujo is not the dude in the pic tho, Pujo is the bull
  8. When you can't tell the difference between the people who are trolling here and the ones who are actually retarded o.O
  9. You can also dig out a pit with your bare hands, but it's easier with a shovel Or one that will be easier to understand for you: You can also build a wall by yourself, but it's easier to hire pujo and his mexican budies to do it for you
  10. Some more recent ones: Hunter's camouflage not breaking upon hunter getting in combat (Hunters could literally just stay in camo 24/7 and spank your ass while in it) Juggernaut's focusing Crystal (tank trinket) healing casters for 100% of their done damage Feels good to see some progress happening
  11. No, because it's not an account bound mount. 100% sure because a friend of mine has made this fail in the past
  12. Because it's more that way
  13. This thread is both the saddest and the most exciting thing I saw today o.o People commenting are pathetic, yet I can't stop laughing at the pictures provided This is a 10/10 drama thread.
  14. You're a human being, you got a right for your own opinion and I respect it, but you're wrong and fuck you
  15. Lefap

    Pet action bar

    I've experienced this problem on my 100x hunter as well, I'll try describing it and once I decide to play arenas I'll even provide screenshots So what happens is you are allowed to summon your pet in arena, everything is fine, but as soon as your pet takes a hit (doen't die, just takes a hit) his action bar disappears and all the spells become unussable (even if you got them macro'ed). You can see your pet running around, auto-attacking people, but you lose control over it. The bug is actually 10/10 because you can't use one of your main defensive (roar of sac) as long with stuff like crit buffs etc :p
  16. When I had the same issue in game I was adviced to try logging in via 32bit client and it worked for me :)
  17. Im pretty sure it is, because I got the same problem on my druid and every other druid I played with seems to have had the bug too. Could be server's fault
  18. Since when do you need activation from your email? o.o
  19. Why does one's nationality even matter on the internet o.o ?
  20. if USA's government got 1$ for everytiem you went off topic they'd already have a wall built twice the size of the one in china. Going off topic is literally the only thing you're good at.. When am I getting my 10$?
  21. To-do To-do To-do to-do to-do to-do to-dooooo to-do to-do
  22. Just tested this by myself. http://prntscr.com/d4ouk3 - using explosive shot AFTER the previous dot fades (like Zumio did in his video) - 489942 total explosive shot damage, 4 crits http://prntscr.com/d4ov0m - Spaming explosive shot, and stacking it up - 759672 total explosive shot damage, 6 crits (also has 7 instead of 8 ticks like it did in retail) pretty retarded o.o Ticks from the last explosive shot got their damage increased by more than 100% compared to the first ticks (75000 first tick and 161528 last tick, both were crit damage - http://prntscr.com/d4oxme) P.S I also unequiped my cloak / trinkets to not have any procs affect it (Just like Zumio did) Tested on a target dummy This is just in-case devs need more proof / data on this bug
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