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Everything posted by Bapss

  1. 1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc Necessarily add a link to WoWHead Spell Lock 2. Description of the problem. Try to explain all as best as you can. Describe what is not working exactly. Add proofs of your words - usually attached screenshot or the combat log - is enough. There's three problems. A. The cooldown isn't shown on the tooltip for resummoning pet after it is killed when instant summoned. B. The cooldown isn't shown on the tooltip for spelllock after it is used. C. For some reason my macro won't work: "/cast [nomod, target=arena1] spell lock /cast [mod:shift, target=arena2] spell lock /cast [mod:ctrl, target=arena3] spell lock" 3.How it must work. Necessarily give examples with the link to WoWHead, WoWWiki or WoWPedia. You can use any evidence, the main thing that it isn't your opinion, but official data from the official server WoW. A. + B. The cooldown of the spell should be shown on the tooltip. C. The macro should work lol. 4.Date when you tested it. 29/12/15 5.Realm (x100/x5/Fun), on which you have found the bug. Fun 6.Priority of the problem. (1-10) It doesn't mean that if you will write 10, then developers will work on it in the first place. In the sum, we are creating our own priorities. 2/10
  2. Hello!! Let me start by saying that I don't expect an answer/reply. But I was wondering: 1. When season will end? 2. What titles will be given for what ranks? 3. I heard real money prizes are going to be saved for a big PandaWoW Tournament now, which I 100% support and think is a brilliant idea! Is it true? 4. Will any bonuses be rewarded? 5. How will WoWCircle players effect ranks? If say for example, the r3 player on a ladder is someone from WoWCircle, will the r4 player on the ladder then become the 3rd? And those were all the questions I can think of atm. Don't expect an answer, but it just is a FAQ atm ingame, so I thought i'd make a post trying to clear it up. Cheers.
  3. Ikr :( I thought may aswell post them though. :)
  4. Bapss


    How long did this guy spend on gay porn to make and edit this pic? :/ lmao
  5. http://postimg.org/image/ff5v0g5kj/ There's mine and Atomic's screenie of my new transmog too lol. #SantaYoloSwag
  6. Good content in guide, but just poor layout. 9.8/10.
  7. Bapss


    Probs cause you're the dodgeking. When you gonna queue 3s? :D
  8. Hi, I made a drawing for this competition thing, but I forgot to post it last night on: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=161116&page=5 Anyway... I was wondering if it could still be entered? If not, no probs, and i'll just post it here anyway. Cheers and hope you all had a sweet Christmas. :) Onto New Years!!! [ATTACH=CONFIG]100573[/ATTACH]
  9. Where do you get all the santa clothes? xD - - - Updated - - - Who is "someone unknown" lol!? I gotta get me a signature like that :D
  10. Hadn't even been on here in past few days with christmas and all.. But coming back and reading Juster rofl@ the trashtalk made me smile lol ^^
  11. Bapss


    Lol me and Sabrieu (from x100) were both r1 playing Turbocleave in 3vs3 for like 2 months up until recently. TURBOCLEAVE = Healer + ENHANCE + Warrior. And it was ez as fuck. So you're like the 4th/5th person to try play enhance. Sorry to break it to ya :P
  12. GG they finally queued for once (on their alts mind you), and lost 6-0, then dodged. It wasn't even close a single time. Hence If they just queued for one night straight, or even 40 mins worth of queues they would be 1500 rated. R1 team lmao. Yea good joke. Awbeex's only skill is dodging and sniping lol. :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not gonna lie though - It ruins the 3s bracket, when only 2200 teams have the balls to queue into you, and the team that brag so much about being R1 spend all their time dodging you lol. :(
  13. i got an op horde one if you are interested
  14. looooooool gl getting answer Leave the poor kid alone, he already admitted he was afraid to q and was dodging. Unless he say more stupid stuff, we should leave him alone now. I don't want the kid to commit suicide lol He did make a really good example of the player who has high rating but is a complete noob. So ty for the demonstration Dodgemasterx Awbeex :)
  15. ^ __ inb4 "Wait.. What? I don't understand question.. No i don't dodge, i'm r1 pro shaman. Look at my 60 screenshots of random wins" lol. Dodgeful Gladiator Awbeex = Pure Comedy Gold
  16. And you still too afraid to say you will q vs me lol So sad that you have to dodge like such a tryhard pussy :D
  17. Dodgeful PandaWoW Gladiator Awbeex/Veynnzy, dodging everything i say like the pussy he is :) Don't think I've ever seen someone dodge what I say so hard lol. Just like how he dodge in 3s :D
  18. Because Ring + Orb was broke as fuck, but I still farmed you as WLS and you dodge all season then too lol. You will probably try and deny it, just like you will say you are not dodging now. But it raises the question: Then why won't you just say "okay, sure we will queue vs you.. Whenever we are next queue we tell you"? There is only one answer: Because you aren't good enough to queue vs me, are always dodging, and nothing but talk :D
  19. Lol why close topic? You don't like it because it tells the truth about how you get rating? Playing like a pussy and dodging all the time? You even just admit you're scared to q vs my WLS because we farm you lol. So sad :( p.s. - still waiting on you to stop trashtalking for once and tell me when you're going to queue lmao :D - - - Updated - - - Also, if you're not going to tell me when you queue and you just gonna dodge like a bitch, stop spamming on my thread pls. You just keep proving me right anyway lol by how scared you are to say you will queue vs me
  20. Lol @ Dodgeful Master Awbeex. Not only is he tryhard dodger ingame, he dodge my questions on here too like a pussy. :D I just want them to stop dodge for one night. Just one!! That is all I ask! So when you going to stop trashtalking for once and just queue? Why you so afraid to queue vs me? You rather play 500 games vs random teams for +2 rating per win then link 500 screenshots lol? :) Just queue vs me and you can get +20 rating per win. Why so afraid lol? :D
  21. Lol why are you linking screenshots of random teams which im not even in? At least include one of the rare wins you got vs me, or else you just look stupid. And the question still stands: I just want them to stop dodge for one night. Just one!! That is all I ask! So when you going to stop trashtalking for once and just queue? I gaurantee if you spend 1 night of queueing vs me you will be 1500. :) Acta non Verba
  22. There's more to arena than just Gear! ^^ On PandaWoW: Sniping/dodging > All (Gear/skills/comp) I'm gutted you closed that last thread before "(Dodgeful Gladiator) Awbeex/Vennzy" got a chance to tell us when he would queue. I hope he responds on this thread, but my bet would be on him continuing to run away and trashtalk elsewhere lol :(
  23. Bapss


    Last time i played it, i always used unleash before Ele blast and I never crit above 190k. Average 65-80k noncrit, 140-170k crit. My max was like 186 with procs (normal for retail). I dunno maybe its bugged since i last played lol. What bugged it before wasnt actually unleash, but searing totem procs were applying to it lol
  24. Hi guys, some people have been requesting for me to post my long-awaited guide with tips on how to push rating on PandaWoW. And so without futher ado, here it is.... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to Get Rating on PandaWoW Most importantly: Getting rating on PandaWoW is mostly ALL about dodging/sniping. In 2s: Dodge any comp you might lose to (like Akuyama does and automatically log offline as soon as you see Neik/Shockwavejk log online). In 3s: Just dodge the players with are better than you and then spam nolif4r queue into low rated, random teams (like how Федямортал, Awbeex and Coldsiemensx get their rating). Follow these steps you'll be r1 in no time! Hope you enjoyed my guide. P.s. - If (Dodgeful Gladiator) Veynnzy, will kindly respond to "http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=161767&page=2" then I would really appreciate it. Tired of this Russain WMS always dodging like pussys but still being stupid enough to trashtalk lol. I just want them to stop dodge for one night. Just one!! That is all I ask! Ty - - - Updated - - - All replies/opinions welcome :)
  25. Bapss


    What's max Ele blast you've hit in arena though?
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