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Everything posted by Bapss

  1. Log off mains after 1 game? :D Meh, i dont care. Im just trollin. Though imagine how sweet it would be to have an competitive 3s queue lel ggs though you guys play decent
  2. Is the girl black or white though? That is a major selling point.
  3. Good thread. Not toxic at all. :D Just to spice things up a bit i'd like to say: Russain WMS (Шейхалекс) stop dodging in 3s pls.
  4. I thought they fixed Orb to actually break RoF now after like 1/2 seconds (I think, might be wrong?) The blizzard thing is legit though, no probs with that.
  5. While I am someone who just queues arena so I think instant gear would be awesome... Think of the amount of retards it would create lol. By there being no deterant, or reason for people fearing to be banned, everyone would be a 100% abusing cunt. Talking shit, hacking, wintrading ect lol :D So In an ideal world, yes instant free gear. But really? No. Sry :(
  6. Okay he was a bit harsh.. But the only time i've seen both team queue vs each other Ruskies won. But I say you are both slightly above average teams! I'm out. Don't get me involved pls.. http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/when-people-are-arguing-and-try-to-pull-you-into-the-conversation.gif
  7. http://www.reactiongifs.com/r/rofl.gif For some reason I never thought the Russain PandaWoW forums could ever be as toxic as the English... Maybe I was wrong lel. :D
  8. Bapss


    Actually the 3s is pretty legit, and the game is balanced enough to be good. Just not active enough which is why I stopped queueing. But the WMS team that replaced me as rank one are actually decentish. But ofc 2s and 2s rating is a joke, always has been, always will be. Also wtf with all the russain? lel - - - Updated - - - in 3s... MW monk ofc all this classes without abusing Hahahah wait untill life cacoon is fixed.. EVERYONE will reroll Mw :D
  9. Bapss

    Presence of Mind

    1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc Presence of Mind 2. Description of the problem. When you use presence of mind while in arena, 50% of the time it doesn't work. Unfortunately I don't know why this is. The buff doesn't even appear on you when you use it. It mostly happens to you if you are running while you press presence of mind. 3.How it must work. You must get the presence of mind buff 4.Date when you tested it. 24/11/2015 5.Realm (x100/x5/Fun), on which you have found the bug. Xfun 6.Priority of the problem. (1-10) 6/10. Amazed it hasn't be already reported tbh. The thing is though it works most the time when you use it, but 1/4 of the time atleast it just dont work lol.
  10. How has nobody made a report for Presence of Mind just randomly not working sometimes? That is 8/10 Priority bug.. Annoying as fuck when you're vs a Resto Druid. It seems to almost never work if you cast it while moving in alter time.
  11. Account name, which has been stolen: Kurtisblack The realm (x10/x100/Fun) Fun Nickname(s) of your stolen character(s) Rockella & Salomanitx (both deleted characters on the account that I want to restore). E-mail, which was registered by above account I can't remember, but if you tell me it, I will know the Email password 100%, and can log it instantly. The time of your last visit to the game. Write separate dates and time for each account / character Quite a long time ago. Someone log on it and delete all my characters so I stopped playing it -.- Your IP-address ► If it has changed, please indicate this. I moved house about 3 months ago. It was only like 1.5 miles away though, so my IP address may have stayed the same, idk. Nicks of people who can attest to the fact that you are the owner of the stolen account / character Noneedholy & Funkabizsax. It was a while ago so not many will remember. Evidence: screenshots of the stolen character(s), common data that you think could help us (date of purchase items, characters, any services from CP etc.) I don't have any sorry. All I want to know though, is the email registered to the account though. If you have another accounts on our server, indicate them and 1-2 characters on them Frankjlucas - ðionysus, levazquez Frankjlucas1 - ðionysusqt, Bigðio A detailed description of the problem 3 or 4 months ago, I had two characters I bought, and was working on - Rockella and Salomanitx. But someone hack my account, and delete both of them for no reason -.- I didn't want to spend 400 bonuses to restore them, so I stopped playing the account. Because it has been so long now though, I have forgotten the password, and the email address registered to the account. If you just tell me the email address, I will be able to log email, and change "KurtisBlack" account password. Thankyou for taking the time to read this - I really appreciate it, and hope we can resolve this issue. :)
  12. Bump this, since MW life caccoon will be fixed soon, and when they fix it MW will become OP with this bug.
  13. I'm looking to tell an Arena Master Shaman, 2400 Cr in 2vs2 for 900 bonuses. PM me if anyone's interested and i'll put it on sale. :)
  14. Bapss


    RLS is like a tier 3 comp, maybe tier 2.. Viable, but easily countered by tier 1 comp teams who know how to control rogues. Also I disagree with the Junglecleave advice 100% lol. Junglecleave tactic usually vs Rsham teams = Ez. Train the blue. Scatter a dps into trap, Wyverm the other one, Pounce Shaman at the same time so he can't tremor = 7 sec 3vs1 on their shaman, Healer follow up cc with fear on both dps if possible = another 7/8 sec cc, Maybe clone the other dps so you can stay offensive, (situational), but definitely do it if he comes to peel, Sham should need to have popped lots of cds by then.. If you start to get shit on, turtle for a sec spamming clones and running away, after this go offensive again. Rinse repeat, and soon he will die. Problem is, you have to adapt to how the WLS plays and not get outplayed. If the lock trinkets and goes to fear, guise it, chastise it, silence shot it, but don't just fucking get feared.. That is a big problem with a lot of players on here lol. Also if the lock does land the fear, instant dispell or you just get 4 sec ua silence. It's small things like this that put you ahead in the game, where otherwise you instantly fall behind, and the shaman will probably get away while you let your teammate sit in 3 sec fear before dispell. Really there are plenty of viable comps Hunter is one of the best classes in MoP, but people just don't know how to play them on here. Also people don't know what comps are actually OP and which aren't. I'd like to see the r1 mage atm q godcomp with a good rdruid (i dunno if there are any on here) and a good Spri (again i dunno if there are any). That would be interesting because he actually plays good. RMD is also OP as fuck, but it requires constant turtling, and then setup, which without comms is hard, so that is why nobody plays it here. Like a lot of the posts on this thread, I dunno where the fuck I was going with this lol. But there you go. :) #WallOfTextComplete
  15. Nice try, but I felt like half the guide was the tooltip of spells, and the names of comps you can queue. Still good post, and appreciate the effort, I personally like some more tips/tricks on with guide though. :)
  16. Depends what you mean. Dampening could only ever go past 60%, when they changed it with 3/4 months left of Season 15, in 2vs2, to start 5 mins in instead of 10 mins. Other than those 4 months dampening has never gone past 60% in MoP. Also the reason double rogue is viable, is because shadowsight is bugged. You shouldn't be able to stealth while you have it.
  17. Are you guys saying DK is still bugged or only that it WAS bugged, and now is fixed? Just curious, because nobody queues DK so IDK. - - - Updated - - - Wow lol. I didn't know you could still look at them! Check me out camping what I thought at the time was glad lol: http://web.archive.org/web/20141012064123/http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/pvp/leaderboards/3v3#page=33 Everyone was sure 2850 was glad, that my team mates weren't even online on the last night, when it rose like 40 rating in just a few hours... /facepalm Missed it by 13 rating. I. was. not. happy. LOL
  18. Only thing I'd like to see done with dampening, is cap it at 70%. It was 60% on retail, but really would like to see it capped at 75% max, so that it isn't 100% down to the dps to win (which is a bit of a problem currently). Other than that all is good. :)
  19. Most links on here I'm usually disappointed with or just like "meh" when I click on them. This was a great vod tho, and I liked the enthusiam lol. You wouldn't believe how chill I am when queueing lol, but that game was funny as fuck. And holy shit, dat clone lol -.- GG though bro. Good link/post. :) Why you always gotta start the trashtalk? I bet you cry if I say anything back too... -.- But why you gotta trashtalk about Absolute in this game? I can't speak on last season because It was before I played with him but every game i've played with him this season, he obviously wasn't abusing anything (his damage was what you would expect from any dk). And we beat everyone that queued 3s legit + sat rank 1 until he stop playing too, so he can't be that bad? I'm not even going to trashtalk. I'm going to try and be kind instead, by helping you out with tips and explaining. It's opener of arena. Dk has all cooldowns+procs. Ele has all cooldowns. Dk pops gargoyle. Gargoyle = 3 Min Cd + 60k crit with tiny sec casts. You don't clone it. You don't los it. You don't kill it. You dont CS it. DK has all his cds up, and you aren't using any lol. Then you have Soul Reaper + Flameshock on you (so Dionysus crits lava burst), and you don't dispel it? Ofc you die. HOW IS THAT DK BEING BUGGED AND NOT JUST YOU BEING BAD? Or if it's not you being bad, surely that means it must be Absolutezero being good? Because after all, he just solo'd you in the opener lol.. Please explain because I am confused. :D This is how I see it: DK pop all his cds (the equivilant to Warrior Avatar swifty), and desecrated ground: 1. You don't even put lifeblooms on yourself (you switch them to Baz because ofc DK with full cds up. You dont need hots LOL). 2. You don't have regrowth on yourself, 2. You don't typhoon DK off edge (like you could've easily done). 3. You don't barskin. 3. You don't ursoc. 4. You don't use engi trinket for extra heals. 5. You don't ice block. Fucking ICE BLOCK for christ sake lol. 6. You don't use stampeding roar. 7. You don't use disorianting roar. 9. You don't dispell flame shock to stop Dionysus hitting twice as much with lava bursts, 10. You don't dispell soul reaper, even though you are less than 30% and not using any cd to top yourself. = Obvious 130k-220k inc (Since DK procs+cds) 11. Your warrior doesn't kick gargoyle. 12. Your warrior doesn't kill gargoyle. 13. Your warrior doesn't use rallying cry. 14. Your warrior doesn't use safegaurd. 15. Your mage doesn't counterspell gargoyle. 16. Your mage doesn't polymorph dk 17. Your team don't even attempt to peel all DK's cds. Conclusion: OMG ABSOLUTE ABUSE WTF NERF DK. > Absolutezero completely outplayed Noneedholy. 1001% Outplayed. But really even 2k Retail s15 Rdruid would not have died there.. It still brings a smile to my face that he genuinely still thinks he didn't play absolutely (no pun intended) dogshit, and the only reason he got farmed was because of DK's "being broke". :D - - - Updated - - - And tbh, I don't know why I just gave you that advice.. Because if you clone gargoyle and manage to finally win vs Ele DK Rdruid when/if Absolute starts playing again, I bet you will instantly start trashtalking lmao. But atleast now you can stop pretending DK: P.s - Genuinely no disrespect meant by this post. But Noneedholy is so critical of others, (always flaming), that I'm just amazed he cant see any of his own many, many mistakes. So I thought i'd finally explain to him why it is his fault. Will be interesting to see if after reading, he still thinks the reason he lost was because of "bugged DK's", and not the long list of fails (17 in total), that his team, (and most of all himself) did. I hope you can see i've been very polite in this post compared to what I could've wrote lmao. But I hope this was helpful to any other whiners spam crying about DK's out there, or any other healers/teams struggling with them. :) Peace.
  20. If you don't like the taste of my crap dont ask for me to poop on you in the first place with your stupid comments lol
  21. Dayum dawg. Some next level shit
  22. I was sorely tempted to screenshot my skype yesterday and post it on here, but that would be cruel lmao :D He's definitely a happy drunk. ^^ Happy Birthday Vidar! P.s. - Sweet name! Is it Danish or..?
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