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Everything posted by Bapss

  1. Nice (Dodgeful Gladiator) Veynnzy, respond in Russain on an obviously English thread. Everyone know if it was non-stop queues on here, that out of the people who play here Темныйберлин, Dionysus, + Neik/Noneedwarr would EAAAAAAAAAASILY be R1. Just tell us a time to queue 3s and we'll take your rating in one night, like we did the first time I got back from not playing for a month. Since then you haven't queued once, unless we're offline. So if you're not being super faggots and tryhard dodging, prove it and give me a time/date that you will queue please :) All you ever do is trashtalk, but never queue lol. Just queue vs Темныйберлин + Dionysus + Shockwavejk for one night and you will be 1500 rating by the end of it lol
  2. PandaWoW arena is such a joke... Even the 3s ladder is shit. Players like "Федямортал, Awbeex, and Coldsiemensx" do nothing but dodge "Neik, Dionysus, and Темныйберлин" and then have to tryhard queue with skype over 500 games vs random teams, only to get the same rating as Dionysus and Neik who play only 200 games. Less than half the games, and the same rating. I wonder why lol? :D It was the same with the Rank 1 Team on the xFun last season. A Russian MLS got farmed hard by Dionysus WLS and then just tryhard dodged for months until they could get titles. - - - Updated - - - So if you want to get rating on PandaWoW, I made a pro guide for you below! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to Get Rating on PandaWoW Most importantly: Getting rating on PandaWoW is mostly ALL about dodging/sniping. In 2s: Dodge any comp you might lose to (like Akuyama does and automatically log offline as soon as you see Neik/Noneedwar log online). In 3s: Just dodge the players with are better than you and then spam nolif4r queue into low rated, random teams (like how Федямортал, Awbeex and Coldsiemensx get their rating). Follow these steps you'll be r1 in no time! Hope you enjoyed my guide. :) P.s. - It was not a troll guide either. Most of the high rated players on PandaWoW only have it because they tryhard dodge/snipe. It's sad as fuck lol. I can't even blame people for dodging/sniping in 2s, because it's unbalanced bracket. But playing 3s this way is so pathetic and sad lol.
  3. Bapss


    I played retail patch.. Enhance isn't doing anymore damage than I remember on there.
  4. Bapss

    Arena Reset

    Who is trolling though? We've gotten no word so far, so all guesses are valid tbh :P
  5. Definately bugged. Maybe scaling effects it? But my heals are the same from 50-100% to 10-50%... -.- Fix this please, resto shamans missing a potential 64% extra healing, which when dampening hits is so needed! 10/10 prio
  6. /facepalm I accidentally liked this comment. lel Healing stream healing less it did on retail last time i checked. On retail it would crit 60k+, heal normally for 30-42k per 2 secs if i remember right. Anyway, my point being is that it is 100% not more OP here than it was on retail. Healing stream totem is just resto shams main mechanic lol - - - Updated - - - Mastery also one of Resto Shams main positives. Stupid that it doesn't work.
  7. If you want to be involved but don't have a team, just give you character name/spec please. Thanks :)
  8. Noneed why'd you want to see Repitch on webcam so bad? :D Nah, it's just atleast 50% of people aren't on forums. There are plenty of other teams that would/will want to play, but they probs don't even know about the tourny. Gotta spam that shit in global chat a week or two before. Anyway, sucks that they don't pre-sign.. But I'm sure we'll find 8 teams ez :)
  9. lmao this guy is infamous on PandaWoW now, it's great! :D
  10. i'm confused, 1.whats WoWCircle? & 2, do they count on the arena ladder?
  11. Name of the violator (if the name contains alt-code, try to copy it from your game chat). Carmageddon-x1 Realm, where you saw the violation. Cross-Realm Arena Description of the violation (write please in english and very clearly and understandably). Wintrading. Queueing 3vs3, but only one enter from each team. "Carmageddon" vs "Keinelust-x1" Keinelust always let Carmageddon win. You should write what the violation is because it will be easier for the administrator or chat moderator to understand what to look for on the proof material. [ATTACH=CONFIG]99270[/ATTACH] Proof (screenshots or video): Wintrading Comments to the situation (if it needed). Just that he has suddenly become rank one in 3vs3 out of nowhere in one day... It's not even possible, and i'm confused which characters he even wintrade with because they must be high mmr surely to give him rating for each win? Anyway, just doing this to help out the server. Peace.
  12. Hi, ever since I downloaded WoD Models, I can't get any addons to work.. Even when I did a fresh PandaWoW download without the models, and tried in that folder, it still doesn't work. The addon I'm talking about is "Sarena" which can be found easily on curse. I thought maybe it might be because I wasn't using Omni-cc, so I even downloaded that too, before realising I couldn't get that to work either. The problem is, when I go into "interface>addons>sarena" the page is just blank. And even when I went into "interface>addons>omnicc", when i changed the settings, they didn't work. Could you help me out at all please? Cheers, Dionysus.
  13. Funny, what Noneedholy says fits perfectly to him. Proof:http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=157717&highlight=bind+elemental (Tries to get all better players than him banned lol). So sad and pathetic. Noneedholy achieves new level of levels of tryhard nerd :D Peace kid. :)
  14. GOD. FUCKING. DAMNIT. I can't get my addon "Sarena" to work. It's like my main fucking addon - could you help me out please? I struggle to play without it, and I can't load wow without WoD models now.. It's fucked me over hard. I basically can't play without them. Help pls
  15. Holy shit, the fixes are real!!! Bind Elemental = fixed!! All mages rejoice. They will start winning loads more vs Shamans now right? I mean every mage was qqing about the use Bind Elemental because it was OP. Noneedholy even tried to get Dionysus banned for using it lol. But now that it isn't bugged, mages will easily win right? Erhm. Wrong. Why? Because: RoF = Fixed Glyph of Healing Stream = Fixed So Gl to all mage teams who were upset with Bind Ele Bug. We'll see who was the one benefiting more from abuse (Although I already know the answer. And I think if a Resto Sham queues with this glyph, Akuyama + [Enter Mage] are going to have a real problem trying to queue 2s in the future lol). Peace. P.s. Nice work whichever Pandawow Staff finally made the fix
  16. last time a completely random team won. Flyback, Cant remember lock name, and some random druid. Noneedholy was easily going to win but he had Godx on his team who was playing wrong talents and shit lol. Point is - you never know who is going to win :) - - - Updated - - - Also would like to sign up: Team: WL in yo' asS - 2 volunteers: To be confirmed Team leader: Dionysus Names & Comp: Dionysus, My Nigga Neik & Темныйберлин Playing WLS
  17. Bapss

    LF Ele Shaman

  18. Bapss


    They seriously fixed it? If it's really fixed, how can you say an extra 250k+ shield every 1 min is not much difference :D
  19. When people say I'm only best at Ele shaman I just be like: http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/sad_face.gif
  20. Funny thread. I like how Nemifest liked this comment lol... ?? I thought all forum mods hated Tiggar47, but you liked his comment.. :? Troll? :D
  21. Lol.. Okay forget my earlier post.. I queued today and orb still don't break RoF.. Sat 8 sec RoF with orb in my face and went to 60% :D I guess i thought that with all this time that bug would've been fixed by now. But nope. STILL. NOT. FIXED. :D
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