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Posts posted by Bapss

  1. I don't know why ejaculating on your keyboard, just because I gave you a compliment (that was meant as a joke btw).


    My attitude has always been the same to you Chiv. I don't care. Never have had problem with you, until you made one because I wouldn't heal you as ww+boomy in 3s.


    Before that you were "sucking dick" to me (as you would put it lol).


    Nothing i've said has changed. Stop being a bitch.


    That is all.

  2. wms lol... you guys complaining about that shit? wms is actaully not op lol


    Wms isnt OP I agree. I'd say it's like tier 2 same as WLS. On EU in Season 15, they were same sort of rating comps.. Good to get 2.7. Not very good pushing Glad.


    But if people here think WLS is OP, then they ofc are going to think WLS is OP.


    - - - Updated - - -




    i haven't seen anyone play wms other than noneed

    The Rank 1 team since Dionysus stopped queueing 3s last month is WMS.






    That mage plays good tbh too. Props to him.

  3. Why is it that everytime someone posts something, some random just HAS to start the aidsfest


    How was that starting an aidsfest? I complimented Chiv. Said the reason some people (Like Noneedholy) think Dk's are bugged, is because they play wrong vs them. And therefore stop blaming bugs that don't exist.



  4. Lol dat comment though. I felt like I was reading Chiv's autobiography :D

    Kid please, go back to pandawow and keep trying hard at 2200.

    you got already banned 2-3 times for reasons and keep going on sucking dicks on threads and keep going on sucking dicks on threads trying to get the attention your parents never gave you. It feels bad, but hanging out on the internet 24/7 doesn't solve it..


    Yup sounds like Chiv lmao.


    1. Queued 3s for the first time the other night in like a month.. Still rank 4 :/

    #TryingSoHard #EzWork #Internet24/7


    But Chiv tryharding at 2200? - Sounds Correct.


    2. Constantly talking about how much you hate things, beit players (Noneed/Me) or just Pandawow, and the next minute you sucking our dicks? - Sounds Correct.


    Hmmm lol.. Are you sure you weren't accidentally writing about yourself Chivy?


    And "drive lessons"? Since you ask, I should have my HGV license soon. It's nice to see you and Noneed are still obsessed with me though, even after I've been gone for a month lmao :D

    • Like 1
  5. I agree getting in combat vs rogues is OP, and maybe slightly more important bug. After all, I am first to report fire ele combat bug afaik.


    But being able to drink vs many teams is problem too. So don't say "not being able to drink is not the problem" please lol.

  6. This guy is going Off Topic again and arguing.


    Which guy?


    Shepard, Noneedholy or You?


    Shepard talk about DK's off-topic, then Noneedholy try to start arguement.


    Please can you be more specific, because for a moment there I thought you were talking about me when all I talk about is what everyone else is. Mw returning, and Dk's being broke.


    But then I realised nobody could be that stupid lol. :)


    This fix is awesome news, but i'm a little worried Mw will be slightly OP lol. Inc all reroll.


    PandaWoW should release new expansion/patch called - Cataclysmic Return of the Lich Mist-weaver King Chiv of Pandaria


    - - - Updated - - -


    ok so i guess in your opinion DK is supposed to hit like a raidboss.

    gr8 m8 r8 8/8


    Meanwhile Fire Mages doing pyros for an extra 80k randomly.


    And he cries about DK's (which EVERYONE is queueing btw because they are so OP!!). Jk 1 on ladder :D


    Truth is Noneedholy just don't know how to play vs them. If he can't see his flaws, then its his own fault. He make very small & important mistakes - but i'm not going to give tips to someone who trashtalks as much as him. Sorry Noneed :/


    Stop blaming bugs that don't exist

  8. i know how to use clone and NS properly but im still bad ...



    I guess that's why you're trying so hard to ban everyone higher rated than you? That report you did on me was sad but funny btw ^^ Even more legit way to get a title than abusing with Tinybaz :D lol


    Don't feel bad though. If you're going to feel bad, feel bad about how you nolifer on pandawow and it's forums 24 hours of every day lol.


    But here, you told the truth for once - feel good kid. :)

  9. Really is new record of sadness for you Noneed - tryharding to get anyone better than you banned.


    If only you could do one of these things:

    1. Get Better so You Always Win vs Me


    2. Get a life


    Maybe then you'd finally stop being obsessed with what anyone else is doing on PandaWoW.


    Your replies don't even make sense, you just reply for the sake of it lol. Go ahead keeping spamming meaningless trash talk about how great and innocent you are and how Dionysus abuse. Everyone believe it.




    Really IDC about you, but stop trying to get all players higher rated than you banned for shit that you do already anyway. How many times you abuse lightwell on your priest?


    And off they knew it would bug, but they did it anyway, then they popped all damage CDs and tried to get kill each time I fell through lol


    I got clips on my stream of you abusing as: Warrior , Rdruid, and Hpriest.


    Even today Nonned and baz abused dragons breath FIVE TIMES in ONE game to make me fall through the pillar..


    Option 1:

    If you want links just ask and you can get banned too, like 99.9% of the server who use spells knowing that they are bugged. :)




    Option 2:

    You can stop being a salty reject for once.



    The Only reason he hasn't already been banned is because while he acts like a 6 year cunt of a child to us, he is on he knees sucking Juster's cock. Sad.

  10. Actually the dionysus squad does.

    The Dionysus squad = who? Kennyart? Akuyama? Abu? Repitch? Felxprod? Lol i dont even play with them. I play with everyone. It is you who pisses off the entire realm but just has 4 nerd forumdweller friends who sit on here 24/7 to bitch with you. "The Noneedforumx Squad"


    Get your 4 nerdy friends to tell lies on here for you, meanwhile the rest of the server is tired of your constant trashtalk. Idc. You never trashtalk me personally, because you know I'll farm you, but its like watching you trying to win the special Olympics flaming random after random.

    Doesnt matther guys i will still report abuser.

    Report everyone then.


    1. Tinybaz for doing 70k extra random DMG from Pyroblast and for abusing dragons breath on tolvir,

    2. Russian mage for doing frozen ORB into poly,

    3. Abweex for reading in combat

    4. Noneedholy for using light well when it can't be killed, and for abusing psyfiend when it was bugged, and for using dominate mind which is bugged and can't be tremored.

    5. Allahuakbatz & Markzxy for using broken charge paths that shouldn't be possible. This is a stupid bug, and allows him to be impossible to kite on maps like blades edge, where he abuses and does stupidly long, broken charges,

    6. Report Noneeddruid for abusing warrior fear symbiosis even though it is bugged and doesn't break from damage in first 3 seconds.


    Everyone abuse. Including you on every character. So you're asking for a ban for yourself with this post lol :D


    dionysus tells lies about me 24/7

    Cute lol.


    But kid please, IDC about you. Stop riding my dick and I won't have to reply to you.


    Before yesterday when I farmed you (which is the only reason you're mad making this post) I'd barely even logged online in 3-4 weeks.


    You are the one obsessing about me lol.

    Cogu even told me how much you were obsessing with Tinybaz over me and what age was on Skype, lol. Its pathetic..


    Really Noneed, you sunk to all-time new lows in this thread... And for you thats saying something.


    Very sad.


    P.s. - Wrote on my mobile phone since I'm on train to for tonight. But if I need to reply or edit anything I'll do it in later tonight/tomorrow. Peace.

    • Like 2
  11. Tiggar.. Dionysus go away for a few weeks to focus on work, and instantly look what happens - Noneedholy stops trashtalking Dionysus for once and spam trashtalks everyone else and tries to get them banned:






    Now he makes this pathetic post trying to ban Dionysus too lol? He just want all players higher rated than him banned or what? :D


    Even on a simple bug report he can't stop trashtalking.


    6. Priority 9/10 - Only reason How some scrub monks are able to play on highrating. (Sinsitto)


    Why call this random WW a scrub on bug report lol? It is such a bitch move.


    Noneed is toxic. Idk how Juster hasn't banned him from forums already. He shittalks and provokes everyone, and then is always crying to ban others who only reply to him. It's ridiculous >


    You can't deny that he has clear behaviour problems, he just want to argue with everyone... Nolifer or something I don't know. But admin need to do something about it, it's not even funny to laugh at him anymore, and it's annoying everyone!

    • Like 2


    And really, you don't know Noneednerd if you think he doesn't cry. After every game, (even the ones he wins), he is crying on skype or party chat about something lol. "OMG OP CLASS, OMG THEY ARE NOOBS, OMG BUGGED CLASS, OMG OMG OMG" oh and "OMG DK SO OP" lmao.


    Trust me. I played with him for a long time, he shittalk and cry about every random team we played against, no exceptions.


    Really the kid has problems. :/


    How is he crying?


    Erhm. The irony is how much he trashtalk. Nonstop trashtalk to EVERYONE lol. Calls everyone scrubs, bad, kids,

    I mean honestly play minecraft


    Meanwhile he is on here 24/7 everyday on forums and game lol. Then when someone good queues vs him (who he also says is a scrub, kid, bad, retard, and "go play minecraft to"), they easy win. But as soon as you say something to this tryhard Noneednerd, it's as if you raped him irl lol.


    I haven't even been playing last few weeks, but who have been in skype call with him and Tinybaz tell me how much they obsess over my char Dionysus, even when i'm not playing lol. Really the kid has problems. :/


    The 2 biggest c*nts are talking here. Akuyama and kennyart Rofl. [/Quote]


    Lol you're meant to be my no. 1 fanboi! i go away for just a few weeks and you forget about me already Noneed? :D


    God you're toxic lol. Notice how I never argue with anyone except your aids asshole? If it aint me you're trashtalking, it's ALWAYS someone else, which was the only reason I trashtalked you in the first place. You never stfu.


    Kennyart you are nothing... Don't want to mention 3s where you get farmed


    Dat irony tho lol


    Take a break from pandawow/forums for once and stop being such a nolifer nerd.

    • Like 3


    I mean honestly play minecraft or something. Why i only hear people crying here who got outplayed ?


    That irony tho lol

  12. Fire elemental totem seems to sometimes put them in combat.


    Also i'm 100% certain that healing stream is keeping Shamans in combat so they can't drink many times. It's not always but most the time.


    It's like being a resto druid, and not being able to drink if you have hots on someone.. Sort of annoying :D

  13. I'm writing in third person to avoid stupid arguments and to stay objective. Taking all history out of this, and just looking at the report for what it is, it seems like a very sad attempt to ban Dionysus just because he beats you arena.




    For Example - The other team uses 2 Bug spells which are even more important.


    1. Poly and stuck under map, Four times for 15 sec at a time = 1 min cc (Tol'vir Arena Map Bug 10/10 Priority)

    2. Polymorph onto Frozen Orb for OP procs and Poly don't break (Frozen Orb Bug 8/10 Priority)


    3.The Ancestral Spirit bug (10/10 Priority) even wins them the game lol! And (although Bind Ele is probably more like 4/10 priority + many other shamans use it), you only want to report Dionysus? I wonder why you only report him?




    Stop being so pathetic! We all know the only reason you even make this report is because you are jealous/salty, don't want him to get title and because Dionysus takes your rating.


    I don't even post on forums any-more because you're everywhere making them super toxic, which I don't have time for. Just for once stop being so sad, petty and manipulative.


    Really I never thought you would stoop this low and pathetic :/

    • Like 2
  14. 1. --> Ðionysus

    2. --> Fun

    3. He is abusing a well known bug. For that bug there are already reports in the "bug report" section and so on. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=140081&p=971061#post971061

    4. Proof :

    In the beginning you see the "bind elemental" spell on the water elemental. Right after the ele is free he just use it again. And again and again etc etc.

    0:30 --> abusing it once again.

    Screenshot : http://imgur.com/F178Z7p

    screenshot : you still see the visual effect. Sad that he is talking about "abuse" while he is abusing by hisself.

    5. He know's from this bug like everyone does. It's obvious that this is bugged because he can shut down the pet for 1 minute and after people told him to stop he still abuse it.

    Just want to mention the rules.


    2.3. It is forbidden to hide a a player that use 3rd party software/cheats or abuse bugs.


    also here :


    1.3. Bug abuse: abuse a bug existing in the game to provide yourself an advantage over others.


    He provide a huge advantage for hisself because he can just spam that cast on the pet and the mage has to walk around without pet nova --> no icelance proccs etc.


    Firstly: Enemy shaman Awbeex does bug unintentionally. He uses Res (Ancestral Spirit) at 1:50, even though Dionysus frost shocks him and puts him in combat. That is an amazingly and surprisingly bad bug lol. 10/10 Priority fix.


    Secondly: How is it Dionysus fault that Bind Elemental lasts longer than it should?


    Using that same logic -


    Is it Awbeex fault that res is bugged and he uses Ancestral Spirit even though he is in combat? You want to ban Awbeex for that too?


    Or maybe look at first 20 seconds of video. Должанскийх Polymorphs Dionysus (KNOWING Frozen Orb is bugged and don't break sheep), he then uses Frozen Orb onto the Poly target for more procs, and it don't break. This is major bug abuse.


    But it is not Должанскийх's fault. Do not ban him!


    When Должанскийх use Frozen Orb over Polymorph @ 0:20, is it abuse? Of course not! It is not his fault it is bugged..

    When Awbeex use Ancestral Spirit in combat @ 1:50, is it abuse? Of course not! It is not his fault it is bugged..

    When Dionysus use Bind Elemental, is it abuse? ......Lol what!?.. suddenly it IS his fault?


    Don't be so stupid. Same Rules should apply to everyone!


    How is it not other players fault when they use a bug spell, but it is Dionysus fault when he use a bug spell?


    This report is pathetic, and just looks like a desperate attempt to get Dionysus banned just because he is higher rating than you, you don't like losing and you want the arena title that his rank will get.



    But you should earn titles the legit way.


    1. Not by cheating or abusing - (like you did with Tinybaz: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=135126&highlight=tinybaz)




    2. Definitely not by trying to get higher rated players unfairly banned.



    Really disgusting.. -.- I never like you, but I would never try and get you banned unfairly, just so I could get a higher rank. Very, very sad + poor behaviour.

    • Like 3
  15. 1. Name of not working.



    2. Description of the problem.

    If your shield doesn't break from damage, it doesn't give you the buff/bonus spell damage.


    3.How it must work.

    Even if your shield doesn't take any damage, it still gives the player a spell power % buff. Not as high as if it would break with damage, but still gives buff.


    4.Date when you tested it.




    All Realms


    6.Priority of the problem.


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