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Posts posted by Bapss

  1. if you want to hold that "pro people only" tournament you'll find a way to do it with or without War Games

    1. "pro people only" - Anyone's team can sign up for the Teamplay Tourny. You'd know this if you weren't too busy being a salty dogshit scrub

    2. We found ways to do it without wargames nps, but if you'd read my post, it already says:


    It would be so much more fluent, and easier to organise if wargames worked.



    my opinion is that they don't even care about your petty "tournaments" at all.

    You seem a bit mad or salty and seem to think the tourny is a proper elitest thing? Its just a bit of good fun on the realm that anyone and everyone can get involved in, with a chance of winning 2000 bonuses each.


    And after reading:



    I'm not sure of my opinion... Are you retarded irl or did I miss something lol?

  2. Posting about Wargames.


    Since (as you probably already know) the Teamplay Tournaments always take place on the "PandaWoW XFun" server, I just wanted to raise the question why the fuck admin's decided to fix wargames on x100, and not xFun lol.


    See x100 realm forum: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=75150


    How stupid is this lol? Are admins not aware of the player-organised tournaments that go on on xFun, and that it's a fucking ball-ache to do without wargames? Because judging from their actions I guess not.


    It would be so much more fluent, and easier to organise if wargames worked.


    So to anyone who would like to see more tournaments and enjoys the competition or chillin' watching players battle it out - please show your support for fixing Wargames on xFun by liking thread or just by commenting.



  3. Blacksmithing allows you to use TWO extra sockets, one on the gloves and one on the Bracers. Some people who HAD blacksmithing and then unlearned it, may experience visual bugs like showing the sockets there all gemmed but they don't get any stats from them.


    Training engineering on a Human class is in no way dumb. Besides the 1920 stat boost, the Nitro Boost and the Goblin Glider are a must for any pvp oriented player.

    I was talking in terms of arena... Ofc engineering is most OP in world PvP.


    Stacking on use trinket with the engineering glove enchant is an exploit and should be reported.

    Did you mean to say that? They share a cd right? It's not an exploit


    You can have 2 professions on a glove + standard glove enchant so I don't know what everyone is talking about...


    The only dodgey thing I sometimes see are people with 3 different professions i.e tailoring + blacksmithing + engineering.


    You could get all professions on retail too.. For example, do scribe for shoulder enchant, tailoring for cloak, engi for hands, blacksmith for wrists/gloves, leatherworking for legs, but ultimately in the end only the last 2 professions you did will actually work and the other enchants go red when you highlight over the item (idk about the blacksmithing sockets tho actually)


    1. Diabloque/Iwannadance and his Screenshots

    You idiot, idk why you even post these screenshots, that these guys are close to each other doesnt mean they que together.


    Pretty much this.. All 5 locks in the screenshot (Propeloljk, Funk, Fearmvp, and Темныйберлин) got most of their rating playing with me but he groups them with others lol.


    2. LSD most OP Comp Retail?

    the only thing i find hilarious about this server is that it's always Tier 2 comps at Rank 1, for an example LSD was the best comp in the game by far in S15 and there's only like 2 teams in the top 50 lol


    LSD best comp maybe.. But really wasn't "the best comp by far". "Skillcapped US" was proof of that.. The R1 US team, and they lost plenty - Beit vs SHD in Yaspresents tourny, or vs Cdew at Blizzcon.


    Many comps often beat LSD in ladder.


    There was only really 1 LSD team that was unstoppable - Wallrikz, Zeepeye & Minpojke's (and even they would've lost vs LSDv2 at Blizzcon).


    All other LSD's had a 50/50 win vs Godcomp/RMP and could lose vs a good KFC, WWLS, HLS quite easily. Especially as mentioned before the counter - LSDv2.


    LSD + Best Comp on Pandawow?

    Sure tell me a Rdruid on here worth playing with? Then we can go R1 as LSD like I was before with Minpojke. And really the same question goes for all comps/classes.


    Noneed said on the Teamplay Tourny thread:


    Sorry but everyone who say WLS isn't op just have no clue about that game.


    So WLS is Overpowered? A tier 2 comp?




    KFC isn't OP, Ret+Hunter+Healer isn't OP, KFChi isn't OP, Dancing with Stars isn't OP, WMS isn't OP, Boomkin+Hunter+Hpala isn't OP, Thunder isn't OP, LSDv2 isn't OP, RMD isn't OP, DK+WW+Healer isn't OP, Turbocleave isn't OP, RMP isn't OP, Godcomp isn't OP, Shattercleave isn't OP, WMP isn't OP, Thugcleave isn't OP, WMD isn't OP isn't OP, MLS isn't OP isn't OP, and LSD isn't OP?


    Inb4 crying about Nightfall bug, look at hunters explosive shot bug, and hunters explosive trap bug, which is EASILY more OP, and makes it so you dont even need co-ordination to trap lol, making hunters easily the most bugged class on PandaWoW. I mean really what kind of nobrain bullshit is that. As if hunter was lacking cc already lol?


    It's clearly just a matter of not enough players to get any good ones for some classes.




    WLS is R1 because a haunt spamming lock + a war who can stay offensive the whole game (BECAUSE of his lock) is just simply not easy to beat (well you can but they must be shit). So WLS is Tier 1 here on pandawow.
    is funny when you consider I sat rank 1 for months as:LSD / MLS / Thunder / Rdruid+DK+Ele.


    Noneed should know this since he queued often vs it (and lost). But even with him, we played vs the top teams as FireWMS in the Teamplay tourny and won easily.


    My point is that until more decent players join the server, Темныйберлин + Funk + Neik + Noneed are going to be near the top of the ladder no matter what comp they queue.


    The only reason I queue WLS atm is because Funk/Темныйберлин are two good & active locks. If there were some good & active hunters, I'd just replace them, queue KFC and be twice as OP lol. But I think from last tourny, where I queued Dancing with Stars and would've easily won if I didn't d/c twice shows it's not a matter of comp.


    If one comp was going to be the most OP on here, it would have to be KFC or LSD/LSDv2 though.

  5. I wan't to join the tournament with my brother and ofc the gay fuck Gorgi Gorgiev, we are called the Three Muscadicks, one dick for all, all dicks for one.


    Yo Repitch, can you add this team to the list of those signed up please?

  6. No but TBH now even while i was playing WLS i said it often enough that WLS is broken / OP here. So it is obvious. I just said u dont have to complain as KFC and you CAN beat them as WMS but ur not supposed to on pandawow right now. Sad that you still lost while we were playing with a 2.2k resto shaman. Also forced every single deff cd in every game. Pewds got EVERY counterspell inline in like 2-3 games. There is no reason that you gonna tell us now you play WLS on a high level.





  7. Because every shaman playing WLS / WMS, so no shamans for KFC.

    KFC just overpowered. Easy to kill everyone, easy to get any rating.

    No need communication. Don't req skill. No need brain anymore just dot everyone.

    Dots don't ruin fear (yeap u will stay full gear with full pack of dots). They don't even wanna fix it.

    When u lost 12-15% of your hp fear should be ruin. But u can get 3 fears and die. #pandawow

    While they don't fix damage of affliction warlock and this fear bug WLS will be op.

    After this fix u will see how ladder changing . May be then RLS / RMD / Kittycleave / PHDK / Shadowcleave and others comps will come.

    and for what playing kfc in tournament if everyone understand that wls will beat them.

    pionisus can play only bugged comps like 2x warriors / wls.

    i am pretty sure he will do nothing as other comps.

    today i saw games... even WMS killed him. But WLS > WMS , because every retard can dot everyone.


    /Facepalm about crying thinking lock is bugged when playing the most bugged class


    Lmfao Diabloque, go back to spamming your screenshots of beating 1.8k mmr teams :D You're such a typical salty Pandawow hero.


    Also that Noneed + pewds (queueing WMS) lost 5-2, then as soon as I logged my alt and and queued vs them they instantly stopped lol.




  8. Ive never seen someone lose even 40% of their health in a hex, yet alone 80% lol.. Did they do 80% in one global? :D


    Hex on here works fine idk why you would think otherwise.


    Best example, is if you have lock dots on you, it often breaks only 3/4 seconds in. So it's obviously not bugged.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Or even when playing 2s.. One slam usually breaks it.


    It's not meant to break on damage tho.. Only after like idk 60k damage

  9. Shoutout to Iwannadance/Diabloque - I appreciate him for crashing Sony's Server and getting their information for us with his unstoppable 1.8k mmr screenshot spam!


    Him & Wikileaks combined are truly a force to be reckoned with. :)

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