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Posts posted by Bapss

  1. More of the strange images he used to crash Sony Servers + Firewalls.































  2. Recent events have brought to light incredible new information about how the infamous hacking organisation known as "Wikileaks" operates.


    It turns out that the 16 April 2015 digital attack on The Sony Archives, in which WikiLeaks published:


    30,287 documents from Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) and 173,132 emails, to and from more than 2,200 SPE email addresses.
    was achieved not via mass DDOS as previously thought, but instead an unknown web figure, going by the aliases "Iwannadance/Diabloque" managed to crash the Sony servers and Firewalls via. spam mass emailing junk images to them.


    What do the Images show, you might ask? Well.. that, nobody knows. Maybe you can work out their significance below.


    All we know is that this "Iwannadance/Diabloque" has got some strange, but pro hacking techniques.


































    So funny, now that they've deleted the original post, you just have randomly:


    fuck thats hot, i'd take both cocks in my ass


    lmao :mocking:


    You legend Reptich



  3. Lmao AliMohammad got 3 accounts now, and non of them banned :D I really dont understand.. If i made just one of the posts that he does I would get insta banned, but he has done hundreds and doesn't get banned?


    Not hatin', I personally find his "insults" amusing, but just amazing considering how easily I've been banned in the past lol. :)

  4. - Nightfall procs way too often for locks, makes them being able to spam 5-6 haunts in row that hits insane.
    if you don't believe me. and i saw 5-6 haunts in row cause of the proc in 2s, this guy does 3s and gets like 1 proc every 5 sec or so
    Lol i remember noticing lock shard regen was strange as fuck when i first started playing here, but I over time just forgot completely lol. You'r completely right tho and it needs fixing.



    Anyway, I never said that there weren't a shit load of bugs.. I guess I just meant in terms of people crying about locks/warriors - there's no reason why any tier 1 or 2 mage/hunter/rogue comp couldn't be R1 in 3s..


    But yeah you're right that small bugs make some classes slightly more OP than the non-bug classes.


    mage food ticks instantly

    eat in stealth


    Ahahahaha.. I thought this was dodgey!!! That mage food was OP 1vs1! I realised i should've used it instead of bandage after I lost that little rogue duel of ours lol :D

  5. its far from balanced :P


    Why isn't it?


    Apart from survival being OP as fuck, and MW's without life caccoon, I don't see what's so unbalanced?


    If you brought all the retail teams on here, (if you exclude hunter teams because they would farm all), then id say it would be pretty much the same as before.

  6. Good luck and I hope you don't have any long late nights, where one of your comrades gets some certain urges, and you find yourself in a "sticky" situation. (if you'll excuse the bad pun) trollololol :D


    For real though, best of luck to ya! Where you from and what you going in as?

  7. Lol, i thought he


    1. Disconnected




    2. Was like "Fuark!!!! Cba 1vs1 Warrior without any vanishes" since me and his hunter died at the same time lol.






    But dayum... As if i already didn't have a reason to hate that WMS for Awbeex trashtalk + always dodging there's this too? :D


    Meh, I actually wouldn't care so much so long as as Федямортал don't ddos my games.


    Even then though, getting ddos is a serious form of cheating, and getting ddos by tryhards is the lamest shit lol.


    Also makes me wonder actually about that Teamplay tourny since I only started dcing just before facing Федямортал :/


    But then again, you know that famous saying right?

    "If you can't dodge em, DDOS the bastards!!!!" :D






    Anyway, brb getting some popcorn...


    Okay, now que the Drama!

  8. Hjori San = Nemifest's troll account ???




    At the end of the day rules should apply to all equally.. It doesn't matter if the guy that you're flaming (in this case tiger) is a cunt, you can't spam abuse babylike insults, you gotta come up with something creative :P


    Ultimately, Hjori crosses the line on almost every post with what he says lol. I mean personally I find it hella funny, and so I don't really care...


    But honestly I would think for admin it's a no-brainer and ez ban for Hjori San. (Which shouldn't be a big deal, he'll just remake acc anyway lol)

  9. Thats not the problem.

    Ever since(2 months) pwow fixed Command Demon for demo, they fixed infinite pet lolstorm.Noice.



    Except what they also did was, they made every pet spell ShARE COOLDOWN with Command Demon.So essentially we dont have double silence, UNLESS we press the pet button then sac and use the other silence.however both spells will be named Spell Lock, which leads to any macro not workin.


    Oh right!




    I have 0 idea wtf you just said :D I just want to be able to use my arena1,2,3, macro, and to be able to see cooldowns. :)

  10. Dear Devs,


    Have you guys planned on nerfing the dmg from wars and locks? I'm sure you've noticed, and every other person on this server has noticed, that these two classes do much more damage than they're supposed to.


    I must be the only one that hadn't noticed lol.. Which spells are doing more exactly?


    If you look at MLS on live compared to MLS on panda, there's a massive difference. That difference is the MLS on panda triples the dmg from MLS on 5.4.8 Mists of Pandaria Retail.

    U srs or trolling? :D Again, what spells? Because on after-game scoreboard, all damage is often the same on both teams.. So are you saying retail MLS usually did 1/3 of the other team?


    The only reason WLS is even viable is because of how broken lock damage is.

    Which spells/abilities tho?


    And, I don't even need to introduce Warrior damage. I know warriors do a lot of damage on live, but seriously, 250k executes with 170k slam spam?

    Again, U srs or trolling? :D Because if we're talking about arena, it sounds a lot like them mysterious 250k Ele Blast which nobody can give any proof of lol.


    Secondly, we need to discuss Resto Druids. The most recent fixes to resto druid have been literally useless. Resto druids are practically irrelevant right now because of how broken locks and wars are. It's been over a year, and you haven't even bothered to look at Shroom, one of the most essential resto druid abilities in this game.

    Moar QQ about Warrior's and Warlocks pls :D On a serious note though, Resto Druid sounds like Mistweaver. Life Caccoon is bugged, but somehow they are still playable. Apparently orbs are OP swiftmend? The point is all bugs need to be reported, to make it easier to fix them, otherwise they'll only fix the negative ones and the class will be OP as fuck.


    Despite the fact that people have been raging over it this entire time. Notice how the highest rated team on panda is WMS, not WMD, WMS wasn't nearly as good as WMD on live.

    Ofc WMD>WMS as a comp. But that tell me a WMD where the mage+warrior are as good as the mage+warrior from the WMS lol. This is the thing about 3s, it's skill driven, and it's not just no-brain 2s where you can afk until dampening lol.


    It goes back to what I was saying earlier about CC. Rdruid is a heavily cc based class with clones, and since many don't know how to use clone (for example cloning locks on dark soul, mages on orb, or warrior in wall/rek, or a target when it's low and rallying cry is gonna where off) then ofc Rdruids do worse here than on Retail. It's just "skill" (cringe at the use of the word lol).


    Finally, let's talk about warriors. First of all, you can't trinket warrior fear, which is probably the dumbest thing I've ever seen in this game.
    Agreed, this should be no.1 10/10 priority fix.


    I hope that you read most of this so that you can get a general idea of what I am talking about. Thank you.




    Sure, but in future maybe try to specify and provide links to which bugs you're talking about? Otherwise comes accross like just QQing lol.


    Good post overall. :)



  11. Oke..


    First off, why title "WLS"? I don't know where to start when addressing people talking about "Omg WLS OP" lol, because it's really not. If you look at the top 38 warlocks in 3vs3 (Waaz maybe slight exception), they all only played with me. So there's what, two WLS in top 40? Why make a post crying about it lol.


    The classes are balanced as fuck atm. Watch another WLS q vs that WMS and they lose. So again, why title WLS?


    Maybe what you're failing to realise is that we are playing the comp to it's potential. When we queue, spectate us and try give us tips on how to improve.. I doubt you'll find much room for advice. And that's cause WLS really don't have much cc, it's just all about damage and hitting the right target.


    Compare that to people queueing Godcomp/RMP/RMD/MLS/KFC/Jungle where you have so much CC, but non of it barely gets used, and when they use it, they never line it with burst, or know how to afterwards, play defensive.


    I queued for example vs RMP yesterday (Shelby, Repitch, and Howtomagerog), and it's obvious that a good RMP/RMD on here would be R1. The same goes for any other tier 1 comps if played good like we play WLS. Because as much as you might think WLS is OP, we do play decent, since when we fail I can usually spot where we go wrong, try and improve (although Funkabizsax dont know how to play with dark bargain lolololol).


    TL;DR - I guess what I'm tryna say is that lock/warr are not OP on here at all, it's just a matter of playing your comp to its maximum capability.. And since Lock+Warr together don't have any cc that breaks on damage, it requires less comms. But if a tier 1 comp with good players queued who knew how to play, they would show how much more OP their comps are. :)


    P.S. - Repitch you gotta l2blind full not DR'd, (and if needed sap off), then as RMP you will rek all so much easier lol. Was good RMP :)

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