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Posts posted by Bapss

  1. Apologies for not supporting this tournament, had some business issue with money and college. Should be set to support next month or 2 months.


    It had to be the one that I won which you couldn't support! :(


    Lol. I'm just messing with you, it's completely fine. Thanks for supporting the other ones anyway Nemifest :)


    you still angry because i told that you're braindead and can play only wls?


    LOL, FINALLY YOU ADMIT TO BEING DIABLOQUE!!! Or wait, are you still pretending not to be? Cause I'm getting confused lmfao!


    What kind of faggot goes to all this effort just to wintrade? I never seen someone make so many multiple accounts and pretend it's not them lol :D


    I feel sorry for you dude irl, really... Because at the end of the day all this effort you're putting into:


    1. spamming forum with screenshots vs 1500 teams,
    2. trashtalking about how good you are,
    3. making extra accounts,
    4. pretending it's not you,
    5. then admitting it's you,
    6. then making 2 more accounts and pretending not to be you again lmfao, :D
    7. trying to defend yourself on them,
    8. then wintrading (going from 2400 to 2750 overnight without even facing any of the top teams)
    9. and then pretending you didn't wintrade when it's so blatantly obvious lol,

    it's all going to be simply for nothing when the admin ban you...


    I can't help but find it funny you don't realise that :) Sorry kid :/

  2. Wow Lmao.. How sad can you be!?


    Diabloque/Ivandorn created the accounts "Felxtwo" and "Qeloq" on here in the last week to try and pretend like people don't think he's a nolife wintrader lol.


    I'm just wondering: how many extra accounts he will end up creating to pretend that he's not a wintrading scumbag? 100 or more? lol ^^


    And Diabloque stop pretending that you're a virgin when I already gave you the D multiple times and you loved it ;)

    • Like 1




    I was going to make a separate thread dedicated to flaming this retard and give reasons why it's so obvious he is a trashtalking, wintrading, dogshit scumbag of a player, but Funk beat me to it with that report - so I'll probably just do one later instead. :)


    For now though can Admin just IP ban and delete characters of Diabloque/Ivandorn/Iwannadance already pls.


    Cheers :)

  3. Lol I was just about to do a post on this, but i guess Funk already beat me to it :D So all I really have to say is...




    Keeping making more accounts you sad fuck, it'll always be obvious it's you because nobody else is such a retard.


    Seriously Admin pls ban Ivandorn's IP, and delete all his characters mentioned by Funk.


    So funny how he always post screenshots of him winning vs 1500 mmr teams, and then suddenly he goes from 2400 up to 2750 rating overnight, and doesn't post any screenshots lmao. Fucking pathetic!


    "/Salute" to Funk for this post.

    The admins need to get on this and ban this cunt once and for all.

    • Like 1
  4. I can commentate also in finnish language, english language, russian language, french language.


    DIABLOQUE/IWANNADANCE/IVANDORN why you making extra forum accounts? You realise we all know it's you right? lel ^^



    • Like 2
  5. Nice guide - just a shame that Windfury Weapon + Glyph of Purge still don't work though lol.


    I'm thinking of making an elemental/resto advanced guide. If this comment gets 10+ likes I'll do one of them idk which though.

    • Like 2
  6. check my bug report on smoke bomb, u can gate in my bomb. makes rsham lock comps way stronger.


    Except gate can be stopped with any cc... Fear/poly/gouge/sleep/blind/scatter/root + about 20 different stuns. So warlock gate pretty much sucks atm.


    But this slightly bugged. Hardly 9/10 though when you consider other bugs.


    Same with nearly all other AoE allied spells.


    For example? Just curious

  7. It might sound nice to you, but its full of falsetos


    Who is dis bitch talking down to my boy Repitch? I'll have you know i've seen Repitch sing on stream. Dude has a real gift.

    • Like 1


    Interesting Post by Noneed:


    But honestly, even doomcryer ? Idk why you say "doomcryer told" This guy lost as WLS against destro MLD. And not because his shaman was bad, no because he instant trinketed the opener coil and (in 2 games) got instantly deeped after ... Really i don't wanna talk about that because it's disturbing that a WLS get rekt against a MLD... Pretty sure with a good war they would have won.


    It's funny he brings up Doomcryer trinketing coil, because I spotted it on the third game and told him not to. Was that me doing what Diabloque said?


    always blaming his mates. He is selfish. He don't think about team.


    Not thinking about team lel? :D After he stopped doing it we improved dramatically and would've won if Doomcryer didn't start doing random mistakes last 2 games.


    Truth is Doomcryer played bad. If the MLD queued a few more times I'm confident we could've eventually stopped losing completely. And I think Doomcryer is a good warrior, but he really struggled playing vs destro. I was even tempted to get the vod and annotate all the mistakes he did each game lmao.


    People shouldn't be so butthurt about discussing a loss with your team after it's happened.. Before you can improve you gotta know where you fucked up.


    P.s. - Diabloque/Iwannadance accusing people of being toxic after he spends pages obsessing and trashtalking about me = Irony much? lol


    Dude Noneed/Dion this 2 guys who always dodge after 1-2 losses. I played vs them many times...


    .... I've never lost vs you. How can I dodge you lol? Your Hunter gives the easiest rating out of everyone on ladder. On warrior you have some nice rating I can take too lol.


    I even played in same team with this braindead shaman. He got carried by team and always blame his mates.


    No. I tanked about 100 rating playing with you because we would lose vs every good team. And I didn't even ragequit (cause i'm a nice guy), but ofc if you start calling your team mates braindead before the arena starts they won't want to play with you.


    And now today you're whispering me on my "braindead" shaman begging for 3s again and wanting to talk it out with me lol. Get a grip faggot. You're dogshit and not worth my time.

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