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Posts posted by Bapss

  1. Off-topic, Flame and Flood?


    You go off-topic first by spam lying + trashtalking about how you beat someone in arena. I guess you always change subject, because you are scared of answering the question of the topic:


    "WHO DID YOU GET 250+ RATING FROM TO GET TO 2700? In other words - Which top team did you farm 25+ times?"



    Because Adlairotwo told the truth about you: that you are a sad failure wintrader? If you don't like the truth about yourself, change. Don't blame others for telling you the truth lol.



    Nobody flood except you. Everyone just reply to your stupid comments and you spamming this stupid emote:









    Conclusion: You should report yourself for: Flame, flood, off-topic.

  2. Off-topic, Flame and Flood?


    You go off-topic first by spam lying + trashtalking about how you beat someone in arena. I guess you always change subject, because you are scared of answering the question of the topic:


    "WHO DID YOU GET 250+ RATING FROM TO GET TO 2700? In other words - Which top team did you farm 25+ times?"



    Because I told everyone the truth about you: that you are a sad failure wintrader? If you don't like the truth about yourself, change. Don't blame others for telling you the truth lol.



    Nobody flood except you. Everyone just reply to your stupid comments and you spamming this stupid emote:









    Conclusion: You should report yourself for: Flame, flood, off-topic.

  3. Off-topic, Flame and Flood?


    You go off-topic first by spam lying + trashtalking about how you beat someone in arena. I guess you always change subject, because you are scared of answering the question of the topic:


    "WHO DID YOU GET 250+ RATING FROM TO GET TO 2700? In other words - Which top team did you farm 25+ times?"



    Because Noneedholy told everyone the truth about you: that you are a sad failure wintrader? If you don't like the truth about yourself, change. Don't blame others for telling you the truth lol.



    Nobody flood except you. Everyone just reply to your stupid comments and you spamming this stupid emote:









    Conclusion: You should report yourself for: Flame, flood, off-topic.


    Too afraid to queue or even answer my question lol! :rofl_mini:


    Just proving even more that you only get rating from kickbot+wintrade :( Feelsbadman


    Changing the subject AGAIN!? Holy shit! What about


    Orite! I guess he's tryna change the subject from his wintrading lel :D


    Also funny how much you must think i'm superior to you, when you have to post about me losing even a couple times because helping a friend, and the other team are tryharding with skype.


    But anyway, I was thinking...

    Instead of this pointless trashtalk, how about you show us all how pro YOU are, and queue up 3s sometime? We already know that if I queue seriously it's ez farm vs most teams, ESPECIALLY you lol. I would GLADLY take all that hard earned, wintraded rating away from you. :D We'll have your rating corrected in no time! (if you don't dodge like a faggot how you usually do). :mocking:


    What do you say Diobloque the Wintrader? Will you ever queue or do you only wintrade?


    Orite! I guess he's tryna change the subject from his wintrading lel :D


    Nps though - Yeah i lost 2 or 3 games the other day on my 1800 rating alt, when I was helping a guy who had never played druid before.


    Funny that you think it was Noneedholy though lol :D Noneed's not that bad, cmon now! :P


    Also funny how much you must think i'm superior to you, when you have to post about me losing even a couple times because helping a friend, and the other team are tryharding with skype.


    But anyway, I was thinking...

    Instead of this pointless trashtalk, how about you show us all how pro YOU are, and queue up 3s sometime? We already know that if I queue seriously it's ez farm vs most teams, ESPECIALLY you lol. I would GLADLY take all that hard earned, wintraded rating away from you. :D We'll have your rating corrected in no time! (if you don't dodge like a faggot how you usually do). :mocking:


    What do you say Diobloque the Wintrader? Will you ever queue or do you only wintrade?

    • Like 1
  4. without proofs it's mean nothing.


    You can't read or what?


    the proof is all there in front of you. If the you can't connect the dots the they are seriously stupid as fuck.


    Fucking downs victim.


    Atleast we can agree on


    when gm come.. hope he will punish for spam/flooding


    Now shut the fuck up and stop spamming this thread you wintrading rat. I'd report you for spam if you weren't already going to get banned for wintrading :mocking:

    • Like 1


    @iwannadance look at what you have created . a thread with over 12600 views on it and more than 200 screenshots on it .

    But sincerely this is the first time we are asking you to post screenshots of your games . More specifically your last games .

    I mean you were posting screenshots of you beating low mmr teams and now your are 2.7 . I'm pretty sure you would have screenshots or a video of your last-really serious games .

    OR NAH ?


    Besides this thread and all the other ones that we created for you , you made it to the top of the most hated players in this server . Its fine though because you can hang out with Raou, you are not alone . You can be best buds.


    Fun fact : I have seen Diabolique going to twitch retail streamers and typing in the chat how he got r1 in pandawow . This happened 2 days ago . I wish I had screenshots but yea I don't need them since you know you did it . Only a mentally retarded person would do that . You fukin rat .


    Lmfao funny cause it's true :mocking:

  5. Yo what's up people.


    Want something to laugh at? Check out http://cp.pandawow.ru/info/arena.html?type=3 lmao :rofl_mini:


    Everyone already knows that Diabloque is a wintrading noob. But he keeps saying there's no proof, so I put together this lengthy list of reasons why it's obvious that Diabloque is a tryhard cheater.


    Enjoy :)







    Why It's Obvious Diabloque Wintrade


    1. Diabloque cannot even name which team he supposedly farmed to get the 250 rating (makes no sense considering how much he usually brags about winning). Why he can't tell you? Because he wintraded.


    2. This is a kid who screenshots all games vs 1500 teams, but expects us to believe he didn't screenshot how he got 2700? Obvious lie. Why lie? Because he wintraded.


    3. Just as his rating suddenly spikes, so too does the rating of all these obvious wintraders below:


    Team 1

    Zaqewq --> lowgeared char on 2600 (How can you have 2 kills overall and 2.6 cr in 3s ? I guess he never killed something ;) Also no trinket equipped.

    Diabloque --> Diabolique Hunter. Always lose to top teams yet is magically now rank one lol. :rofl_mini:

    Neikqq --> Again 1 kill overall and doesn't even own any trinkets lmao. You also believe he farm all the top teams half-naked? :mocking:


    Team 2

    Фаптайм --> Nice ! not even fullgear and already is 2.6 in 3s. xD

    Dornivan ---> half tyrannical and 113-8 stats in 3s loool ok.

    Aphaeleon ---> diaboliques 2nd Hunter (Aphaeleon)


    If anyone were to say Diabloque didn't wintrade (which nobody would. Everyone is in agreement that Diabloque is a wintrading noob). But, if someone did argue that Diabloque didn't wintrade, then what about all of these above? I guess they didn't wintrade either, and got all the top ranks while being half-naked and in tyrannical gear lol? :D


    4. He expects us to believe this is a coincidence? How stupid he think we are lol? Just as others start wintrading, he gets 2700+ but then cant say who he beat? :rofl_mini: Why do they show up at the exact same time he get his rating? Because he wintraded.


    5. Who do we all know that has a history of making multiple accounts and pretending he's not the same guy? Diabloque. He does it all the time on these forums (with Felxtwo, Iwannadance, Qeloq and Ivandorn). Again he incriminates himself. And blatently wintraded.


    6. Who do we also know that has a history of cheating and using kickbot? Diabloque. But kickbot isn't enough to carry him, so instead he wintraded.


    7. AND AS IF ALL OF THAT WAS NOT ENOUGH - IF THERE IS ANY DOUBT LEFT IN YOUR MIND - his silence in response to the question:


    "Who did you farm the 250 rating from?"

    is the closer. He cannot answer it. The simplest of questions! And he cannot answer, because he knows that he didn't farm any of the top players, and that he wintraded.


    8. This noob has NEVER ONCE beat me in arena, and none of the top teams even seen him queue. And yet now he is higher rating than me lol? :rofl_mini: It is IMPOSSIBLE for him to have gained this rating any other way than from wintrading.


    The proof is all there in front of you. If the Admins can't connect the dots the they are seriously stupid as fuck.



    Ban this cheating rat or riot!!! Why play legit when he just cheat? Does everyone else have to wintrade too now? lol


    Diabloque the Win-trader Reports:





    Proof that Ivandorn/Diabloque Is a Compulsive Liar + Wintrader.


    Blaston + Взрывпакет yesterday this guys farming noneed and pionysus.


    If they farmed me, wtf are these screenshots - and how come they dodge me instantly and say they can't win with druid?


    they are not even full gear.


    Blaston - Full gear? Yes

    Взрывпакет - Full gear? Yes


    Both Are Full Gear = Diabloque the WinTrader LYING AGAIN :/


    They told me that they farmed you 4-0 with 522 gear.

    so who is lier!?


    Lol... I don't know? Judging from the above, i'd probably guess that the liar is "Diabloque the WinTrader" who can't even answer -


    A Simple. Fucking. Question:


    By popular request!


    This is the 9th Time we've asked this question and you STILL can not answer..


    @Ivandorn Please tell us which team you farmed to get 2700?


    You got 250+ rating overnight. So I ask you again - who did you farm?



    And please stop dodging my question - It should be easy to answer if you didn't win-trade!


    His Refusal to Answer This Question Says It All




    At the end of the season he should get the title - Diabloque "The Wintrading Failure"!




    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Update 10/02/2016----------------------------------------------------------------------------------



    So Diabloque just went from 2700 rating, up to 2800 rating overnight. Again impossible unless he beat the r1 or r2 team 10-0, which he didn't. So again, more proof that he is wintrading LOL.


    At the same time all of his extra wintrading characters gained 200+ rating overnight too:



    Admin need to delete all Diabloque's characters + accounts because he is single handedly making PandaWoW 3vs3 shit. Also to send the message that:

    wintrading will not be tolerated.

    • Like 3
  6. Diabloque you provide the proof yourself.


    How's this for proof?


    1. Diabloque cannot even name which team he supposedly farmed to get the 250 rating (makes no sense considering how much he usually brags about winning). Why he can't tell you? Because he wintraded.


    2. This is a kid who screenshots all games vs 1500 teams, but expects us to believe he didn't screenshot how he got 2700? Obvious lie. Why lie? Because he wintraded.


    3. Just as his rating suddenly spikes, so too does the rating of all these obvious wintraders below:


    Team 1

    Zaqewq --> lowgeared char on 2600 (How can you have 2 kills overall and 2.6 cr in 3s ? I guess he never killed something ;) Also no trinket equipped.

    Diabloque --> Diabolique Hunter. Always lose to top teams yet is magically now rank one lol. :rofl_mini:

    Neikqq --> Again 1 kill overall and doesn't even own any trinkets lmao. You also believe he farm all the top teams half-naked? :mocking:


    Team 2

    Фаптайм --> Nice ! not even fullgear and already is 2.6 in 3s. xD

    Dornivan ---> half tyrannical and 113-8 stats in 3s loool ok.

    Aphaeleon ---> diaboliques 2nd Hunter (Aphaeleon)


    If anyone were to say Diabloque didn't wintrade (which nobody would. Everyone is in agreement that Diabloque is a wintrading noob). But, if someone did argue that Diabloque didn't wintrade, then what about all of these above? I guess they didn't wintrade either, and got all the top ranks while being half-naked and in tyrannical gear lol? :D


    4. He expects us to believe this is a coincidence? How stupid he think we are lol? Just as others start wintrading, he gets 2700+ but then cant say who he beat? :rofl_mini: Why do they show up at the exact same time he get his rating? Because he wintraded.


    5. Who do we all know that has a history of making multiple accounts and pretending he's not the same guy? Diabloque. He does it all the time on these forums (with Felxtwo, Iwannadance, Qeloq and Ivandorn). Again he incriminates himself. And blatently wintraded.


    6. Who do we know also who has a history of cheating and using kickbot? Diabloque. But kickbot isn't enough to carry him, so instead he wintraded.


    7. AND AS IF ALL OF THAT WAS NOT ENOUGH - IF THERE IS ANY DOUBT LEFT IN YOUR MIND - his silence in response to the question:


    "Who did you farm the 250 rating from?"

    is the closer. He cannot answer it. The simplest of questions! And he cannot answer, because he knows that he didn't farm any of the top players, and that he wintraded.


    8. This noob has NEVER ONCE beat me in arena, and none of the top teams even seen him queue. And yet now he is higher rating than me lol? :rofl_mini: It is IMPOSSIBLE for him to have gained this rating any other way than from wintrading.


    The proof is all there in front of you. If the Admins can't connect the dots the they are seriously stupid as fuck.



    Ban this cheater or riot!!

    • Like 1


    6th time asking this question now!


    @Ivandorn tell us who did you farm to get 2700? You got 250+ points over 1 night so - WHO DID YOU FARM ? Explain it and please stop dodging my question !


    answer please if you didnt wintrade :)

  7. close thread and ban Noneedholy for insulting and flame.


    Close thread with a big "Banned Diabloque 30 days and rating reset" and bann your 7 multiaccounts and get ddosed4life




    :rofl_mini: :rofl_mini: :rofl_mini: :rofl_mini:


    - - - Updated - - -


    Lol i just read his reply to my questions and he didn't even answer a single one of them.


    No screenshots. No names of the teams he farmed for the 250 rating. Obvious wintrader. Ban already pls!


    Ahahahahahah that tryhard ignoring the question made me lol


    He definitely didn't wintrade (sarcasm lel) :rofl_mini:

  8. You don't follow rules and say words without any point.

    You told that proofs has been already provided so just show it. I think everyone wanna see your "proofs".


    Okay dude answer me these few simple questions and I will take it all back that you're not a wintrading scumbag.


    1. How come you proudly spam hundreds of screenshots vs 1500 mmr teams, but when you suddenly get 2700 over night, you are too ashamed to post any screenshots where you farm a good team?


    2. Who exactly did you farm this 250+ rating from? Because to get that you would've had to beat the rank 1 or 2 team at least 20 times in a row without losing, but nobody has even seen you queueing lol.


    3. You haven't even come close to beating me once, and always dodge. So where the fuck you magically get all this rating from all of a sudden?


    4. Do you expect us to believe it's a coincidence that just as you get rank 1 out of nowhere, these random shitheads suddenly show up on the ladder too lol? For example:



    5. Who were your teammates who can vouch for you and say they played with you when you farmed the high rated teams to 2750? Because the only people whose rating that I can see has increased on the ladder is you + the characters above with no gear. :D


    Ultimately - None of these characters were even on the ladder before you got rating out of nowhere, and now they suddenly show up at the same time too? It seems quite obvious to me, that just like how you make multiple accounts on the forum and pretend it's not you (Qeloq, Iwannadance, Ivandorn, and Felxtwo), you have done the same ingame and are wintrading like a faggot.


    Or maybe not. Prove me wrong then. It's quite simple for you - just post the screenshots of you going from 2400-2750 (and don't try and pretend like you didn't take them, because if you didn't wintrade you OBVIOUSLY would've taken them considering how obsessive you were and always have been about screenshotting, even when vs 1500mmr).


    If you can't do this, then I think it's obvious from the above + the unanimous response from the community in support for your ban, that you wintraded and consequently deserve for all your characters to be deleted.


    That is all.

  9. Yo Diabloque, I got an idea!


    Why don't you comment with your other accounts also (Felxtwo + Qeloq + Iwannadance + Ivandorn) and defend yourself on them too?


    Shit, in fact why don't you make 1000 more accounts and write it on them too? It's not going to change that you're a wintrading faggot.


    P.s. - Tiggar we got to put our differences aside just for now, and focus on getting this wintrading retard banned and his account deleted. Then resume petty arguments :)

  10. When is Diabloque going to get his rating reset and preferably his account deleted?


    The Following Reports should be enough for you to see that Diabloque has been wintrading excessively:



    Something that those reports didn't mention, was that - if you go onto the armoury of the characters he has wintraded with, they don't even have full gear. They are ALL missing trinkets lol. It's so obvious the wintrade, and really is annoying for those of us who got our rating legitly (especially when he's on his forum account Ivandorn spam talking shit all the time too).


    It's also fustraiting because we haven't been told when the season will end.


    So my question is, when are you going to reset his rating - and are you going to delete his characters? If not, what punishment shall be given, (since he will only wintrade with these same characters again).



  11. haha angry kids :D

    just give me r1 gladiator because i'm best.


    Lmfao.... -_-


    take it easy guys. :bye:

    i don't post any screenshots because it's not funny anymore.

    you can ask my mates how i beat enemy :) .


    1. Please post screenshots of teams you farmed from only 2400 rating up to 2750 overnight. They must've given you insane rating per each win lol.
    2. Why is it that you only post screenshots vs noob teams? It's impossible to get 2750 by beating the teams you screenshot.
    3. You make the joke "ask my mates". We all know you got no mates, so am I meant to ask lol?
    4. why dont you just tell us what teams you farmed from 2400-2750 rating? (just to clarify that's 300+ rating, so should be around atleast 30 wins vs decent teams.

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