I kind of like the idea but I dont at the same time but I do llike the idea more than I dont ;) mainly because of reasons of stealing tactics etc but at the same time you can argue that they have video's from retail but not all the bosses work retail like so like my guild we used our heads and adapted to create a tactic that fits pandawow. But it wouldn't affect us because we stream our Siege of orgrimmar.
Will our characters be invisible?
Most guilds switch from heroic > normal mode > heroic when they meet a hard boss ( will we get kicked out when they re group ) & be able to spectate them again once they reform.
Will the team we're spectating be able to know we are spectating them? ( I only ask because if they do then they wont bug abuse ) aka Black ViP ;-)
How will we know when they are raiding, is there a list? or do we have to know when they are raiding & spectate them by player?
And adding guild names will be perfect, I can help you with this if need be.