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Everything posted by Cogman

  1. Juster got kidknapped by space goats.
  2. Cogman


    report it then? ...
  3. On this yeah I would have liked to see "Player killed "Iron Juggernaut on 10 "Normal/Heroic" on both the guild members list & individual character list ( activity and history )
  4. http://imgur.com/a/ZJ4tz P.S Any chance of an additional box on "Search characters" to see what progress people are? One like this > http://imgur.com/a/UdKTx And to see characters history "better??" I.E "Player killed "Iron Juggernaut on 10 "Normal/Heroic" etc etc this is just an example. You were able to check this with the old Battle.net website but they recently changed it and cant no more.
  5. This is almost as dumb as your fake surgery Kroz, stop please..... my invisible man senses are tingling.
  6. No one cares, you're a adopted ethiopian boy.
  7. You are....
  8. LOL? please stfu :D you're a mong anyway go pray to the invisible man I wont change nothing for you. - - - Updated - - - Keep licking my ass when im online though pmsl Go to school? oh fake surgery is to much
  9. "Didnt read" because the truth hurts that much. Okay -_-
  11. Nice ^_^
  12. No the 572 items cost over 500 im sure these are normal warforged which is why they are so low they can only cap at 575 ilvl if the HCWF arent on there ( which cap at 588 ) then request to add them on wowhead it will say "Mythic warforged" because of 6.0.2
  13. LUL ^_^ cute guild "hc content" does half the fucking raid on Normal Mode good job lul
  14. Let's not forget this is a guild recruitment thread not to brag about your shit people skills @Valen I will beat you okay Guild English too by any chance?
  15. Retail ftw ^_^ if you like pve that is lul
  16. Please.... your in open world you could have got hit by a full pve and full buffed player... just stfu roflmao... weabooo lover.
  17. http://www.wowhead.com/item-set=-712/battlegear-of-the-lightning-emperor Add this as a set ( 5/5 ) currently you can only buy the pieces individually but it is cheaper if you add the 5/5 set on the website for 200 like the other sets are.
  18. No it's perfectly fine just use a brain cell to interpret it and then complain about my English please.
  19. Ive always wanted to flip a table into malkoroks face
  20. Yeah I do agree with this but the admins have to actually be active to read this + Juster went on a massive night out with the lads and was never to be seen again. :( Feelsbad Juster! cant even handle your drinks let alone updating the server lul.
  21. What do you mean how did we bug it
  22. really? go pray to the invisible man.
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