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Everything posted by Cogman

  1. Tested & Fixed - XFUN - Open world / Cross
  2. Cogman


    Not Fixed - x100 - http://imgur.com/a/bqId1 Icon is a still a weird ( Engineering ) Symbol / Cannot use Nimble Brew. Blink works can get out of the stun no problem, was still a weird engineering symbol though. Icebound fortitude does not work either.
  3. Tested & Fixed - Buff gets removed once changed spec. X100 Server.
  4. Cogman

    Mana Gem

    Tested & Fixed - http://imgur.com/a/brc6l
  5. Dont you dare kill my norushen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Pssst " Hunters pets die 24/7 to matter purification beam REAALLLY ANNOYING" :D
  7. Can you add that when the warbringer dies, it somehow stays alive and is attacking people because of their "Frenzy" buff and that the mobs are using critical strikes when they should not. This is 10/10 when the mob " dies " but stays " alive "
  8. Can you add that if you die in a intermission, and then intermission finishes you cannot CR (Combat Ress) that guy who died in the intermission it acts as if your body is still where you died. E.G. ( Died in jade temple / intermission finishes - Game thinks players body is still in jade temple. ) All players including dead people should be teleported back to garroshes room on the floor when intermission finishes.
  9. Add that mind controlled players CANNOT MOVE, they stand still and spread the mind control. At the moment they run to the target they have aggro on they SHOULD be standing still, hence why all video's say" stack up stack up"
  10. None of these abilitys should go on the belt nor target players on the belt, I have had shock wave missile / laser on myself @ the belt & been targeted by crawler mines ( but they die quick anyway ) Oh & none of these abilitys damage the shreddar (add) the sawblade applies a debuff but I cant see it doing any damage to it.
  11. Only for level 90 or can twink characters from the bracket level 60 & 74 solo que as well?
  12. Tested & Fixed - http://imgur.com/a/xQkP7 / http://imgur.com/a/XQU3u Multistrike now has the same spell school as proc spell. No longer deals "Physical" damage.
  13. Tested & Fixed - X100 Server - 1 Ravage per 30 seconds.
  14. Tested & Fixed - X100 Server - Roots your target as well. http://imgur.com/a/pfjZN
  15. Tested & Fixed - x100 Realm - http://imgur.com/a/wRklW Applies it to the caster instead now.
  16. Tested & Fixed - Applied on x100 Realm.
  17. Tested & Fixed - x100 Realm - http://imgur.com/a/M4lQm
  18. Double report - http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=222270
  19. Only the English community have voted, go make this poll on the Russian section too and ask them as well as the English community. The result will be a lot different i'm sure.
  20. I used to make a lot of gold from this but not anymore :D I kind of hope they fix mechanics before fixing this achievement though :L the fight is so easy at the moment.
  21. Yes it will be only for x100 people as we're the only ones who have a actual good use of it & if you want to spectate players make a character on x100 server it is not hard & people do stream their SoO runs so you can watch it from there too.
  22. Still bugged with Warlocks: http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Howl_of_Terror > http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Disorienting_Roar( Can still move ) Still bugged with Warlocks: http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Howl_of_Terror > http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Holy_Word:_Chastise ( Can still move ) Still bugged with Warlocks: http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Howl_of_Terror > http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Blind ( Can still move ) Still bugged with Warlocks: http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Howl_of_Terror > http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Dragon%27s_Breath ( Can still move ) Other spells are fixed & tested.
  23. -_- the minor bugs seem to be the worst :D
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