1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=72276/amalgam-of-corruption
2. Issue 1: The amalgam does not give you a corruption bar until he has spawned.
Issue 2: The visual for the orbs are currently infernal's.
3. Issue 1: - You should be getting the corruption bar as soon as you speak with Norushen
Issue 2: - The visual should be Golden Orbs.
4. 21/04/2017
5. Issue 1 - 6/10
Issue 2 - 0.1/10
I will provide you proof if asked for below.
1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=71656/korkron-sniper http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=71771/korkron-arcweaver
2. If you're a certain distance away from their spawn location they stand still and do nothing.
3. They should run to the nearest target or run until the nearest target is in range so that they can cast.
4. 21/04/2017
5. X100
6. 4/10
Here you can see pug people placing marks in a line this is because if everyone is behind these marks and close to the door the arcweaver and sniper does 0 damage and stand still.
Maybe add an ilvl restriction to certain brackets or even all of them to stop wasteland geared people queing??
I mean why would they que skirmishes with 300ilvl players
Now why would 300 ilvl people que skirmishes? Because theres idiots who like to ruin peoples fun.
Video was published on the 15th of January, the date now is 19th of April looks like you're holding this as a vendetta - Are you sure he was hacking recently? because he may have already been punished from before.
Depends on your ilvl go arcane for gearing purposes
When you're around 42% crit go fire and balance your mastery out do not worry to much for haste only go for soft haste cap at like 9777 which is around 12%
Fire is very dependent on Weak Auras as well and is kind of complex to play if you compare it to the other 2 specs
Fire has much better logs than Arcane/Frost atm.
1. You instigated it.
2. He is replying to you.
3. Be the bigger person and dont carry on going OT????
4. Don't respond to this to prevent MORE O.T..... Just process this through your brain. Maybe go read the forum rules as well.
xD Slushi I think cheat engine tmog is silly ^_^ but let them do it im sure they'll allow it again when they find out " oh shit we're getting less income now because we stopped letting priests buy paladin CM set and CM set costs a lot"