- It works but does not work. Damage part on players is fine!
Part that does not work: If no one soaks malice the malice bolt does not ALWAYS go onto the boss it will always shoot at the CLOSEST player that is not in the circle and deal damage and sometimes say "evade" and still grant malice stacks. The raid does not take raid wide damage if no one soaks it and garrosh does not get 5 energy. - It does not to the CLOSEST player it is random, it will fixate on the furthest player or closest player or any player.
When we get teleported to phase 4 we do not get stunned for 20 second and the roleplay does not happen, we're able to get an extra 20seconds of damage but boss still attacks whoever has aggro.
Garrosh Hellscream himself does not have less HP ( you have not applied the hotfix )
Others are either working or fixed.