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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Juster and Zeox conversation killed me xD
  2. I wish I could translate the page from swedish to english but thanks for sharing man :D
  3. As Lefap said u had to do a research before u buy mounts at wowhead.com .It's nothing bugged here so live with it :D
  4. It's very easy...Just get the starting gear (Tyranical gladiator set) and then queue up for BG's but ofc don't forget to use gems and enchants in your starting gear.You can also level up 2 professions you want with your character which is very easy as well (I think professions rate is x50) and last tip is never lose the cap in fun realm As regards for PvE it's kinda dead in fun realm if u want to play PvE it's better to start playing at x100 realm but there level up,getting gear,professions etc.. aren't so easy as fun realm
  5. at 7th second of the video you insulted Силенышь. If someone from staff see it I think he will ban you too for insults :O
  6. Lets hope that moderators won't check the video :D
  7. You shouldn't post this here since what you saying above it's pretty much a suggestion and not a bug
  8. lolololololol I have never seen this video before
  9. You as author of this topic u got to p.m. someone from the staff to close this thread
  10. First pages were in topic but then some trash talkers came and they ruined everything Just to avoid drama I think it's time to close this thread
  11. Not sure but I think u need to open a new topic here >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=166 Make sure to follow the format :)
  12. Awner is responsible for this subforum but he doesn't belong in pandawow staff anymore so...
  13. Check this guide >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=115946
  14. How u lost all your gear?You just logged in one day and your gear was gone?
  15. Don't you need time in chat?Without time in chat I think report is invalid.
  16. I agree 100000% Guys be polite don't insult each other for nothing...we're just talking here
  17. Thats me when I am trying to gear up my priest but cap is still there :(
  18. Np it's cool. We're in general discussion anyway but tbh I really enjoy pujo's links My favorite was the "windows error mix" you post today pujo :D
  19. Don't worry I got my own job and I make more money than you can imagine and I am able to live alone...on the other hand you can't.So once again if you are here to post useless stuff take your drama and go bed. Since you can't give an answer on my question and you just insult me because you have nothing to add (you don't know enough for the subject we're talking about). So control your hormones teenager and learn to be polite because as "educated" person you should act better but yeah guess who is uneducated when you can't even control your nerves Señorpujo Welcome back :)
  20. Why you downloading slowly pandawow (32kb/s) and K**** with 900 kb/s. I guess it's your side issue so if you want try to restart router,p.c. and client and maybe your connection will be good enough again :)
  21. If it was server's fault you would get refunded but since you made the mistake you can't get refunded. Anyway just follow my tip and you will get what you want :)
  22. When you're log-in at http://www.pandawow.ru before you go at control panel you have to choose "Fun realm" and "x100 realm" then automatically when you choose your realm it transfer you to control panel.So I guess nothing got bugged it was your fault and not servers so I don't think so that you can get refunded but you can sell the character you just bought at x100 realm get bonuses and after you sell the character you just bought you can buy again carefully this time the character you want at fun realm
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