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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Some dungeons/raids are bugged thats why some gates aren't opened
  2. Third week in row guys please... It's the 3rd Wednesday in row that you guys forgot to reset cap at Fun realm.Just tell me whats going on?Did you decide to reset from now on 2 times weekly the cap at fun realm? Please staff members let us know! Check what Juster said about cap reset: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=106354
  3. 8/10 Thanks for sharing :D
  4. Why so angry for nothing we're just talking chill mate don't take it that serious...It's not my fault that you can't answer with real facts on my question I don't really need to educate my self as regards for this subject because for this question I asked you above there is nothing more I can learn on the other hand you need to make a research. Lets say that I am idiot and you're the smartest guy on earth please give me an answer with facts on my question...Guess now who needs to inform himself :) This topic going somewhere and we all know where but some people just don't want to accept it for their own reasons. Anyway peace :)
  5. You see you can't explain it properly and you don't talk with facts.You just showed me some random pics you got from internet and what?Where is your proofs (I refer in the question I asked you above) #Updated Spawn instantly doesn't make any sense man...Someone or somewhat should had create those creatures please explain it to me how they came to life
  6. English isn't my first language...If you don't have nothing to add just don't post useless stuff in this topic and ofc since you can't really answer on my question you just starting to insult just to avoid my question.So please 17 years old son go work out and leave this topic :) Señorpujo Respawn point?This isn't make any sense mate I asked you something in my previous post but you still didn't answer me...I asked you how the first animals on this planet borned,in the first time they came to life they couldn't "respawn" because simply it was their first time who they came to life so they didn't die first to respawn after Respawn=they are born again after being killed .
  7. ok then lets say that our planet became with "physics+energy" as u said above how the 1st animals (1 male and 1 female) in this planet borned and who or what caused their born?
  8. because they're new in wow or they're just PvE players or at least they used to?
  9. Don't be so strict with your answers because noone is able in this world to give a proper answer in the subject we're talking about since both sides don't have real proofs
  10. Wow I hate this actor :/
  11. There was a reason why your threads got locked Just stop all this drama and wait for GM's answer don't go off topic.If you want to argue take it to p.m.
  12. I told u already even if u don't agree just respect others with different opinion..don't make fun with them it's not cool :(
  13. np...Even me sometimes cuz I am hitting my binds too fast I miss the target but yea it's not server side issue xD
  14. Jegerm


    Tiny server with 2k+ ppl online in each realm lol...It's not about server population it's just that people aren't that good to queue for 3s because 3v3 requires skill to survive more than 1 min.It's not like 2s,get healer and YOLO
  15. Idk why they don't fix it I am just waiting changelog #14 to see what they actually fixed in the last months
  16. If it's in Rep's TODO list it's going to be fixed soon
  17. Cool song in the link u shared above
  18. I never really had this issue...Maybe it's something on your key binds or you just pressing too fast ur button at keyboard and you lose target
  19. I got dwarf lock he is really fat...actually he cant even move cuz he is too heavy jk xD
  20. So give us more details...Whats the problem with the profession and which profession is bugged? :)
  21. There is already an unti-cheat system in pandawow and it actually helps to deal with hackers btw u should post this in general discussion
  22. Jegerm


    srsly? Oh my god I guess I need to buy a rogue or change my druid to feral again :D
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