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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Maybe he is hacker u never know but I dont think thats enough proof to ban someone
  2. Jegerm

    Conquest into Honor

    I agree with the idea but not with numbers +1
  3. So they're not passing fixes in server,if they did they would inform us about progress and they would be aware of why FUN realm is down whole day! I guess someone DDOS server right Jonte?
  4. Welcome to pandawow mate..I will be honest with you,I had same issue exactly with yours and never noone helped actually they didnt even reply lol (Talking about High staff members)
  5. and how we know even if we find the right answer u will accept it? :D Note: gj pandawow new staff member hell yea!
  6. whats the difference to play in fun wod realm or x100 wod realm? You just spent few hours to level up till 100 and then all the game-play is exactly same
  7. It's true that GM's here are overreacting with mutes and bans. I have seen them ban many players because they just said "Fuck off" or "you are retard" for example..but yeah since you can pay to unban your character/account I don't wonder why they ban/mute people so easy
  8. Go play League of Legends which is more fun for u I guess..Do you realize that World of Warcraft WAS a game that you need to use ur brain to play right? Majority of on-line games are easy to play including LoL
  9. I support this but I dont think will happen...anyway developers need to fix first game breaking bugs instead of creating this new function
  10. From feb 2015 and its 9/3/2016 today uh gj pandawow
  11. Mate have you ever test if rdruids mastery work? U are playing rdudu right? :P
  12. Make sure to have this in your first 3 lines at your config in WTF file: SET locale "enGB" SET installLocale "enUS" SET realmlist "logon.pandawow.ru" Then the only thing you have to do is to remove flag "Read only" from WoW Folder. Then your game will be in english good luck!
  13. If you say so ok what about rejuv mate? (Mastery included)
  14. hahaha srsly this guys is something else whenever he lose in duels he is saying: omg hacker report, omg how u parry so much what you abuse! The best thing was today when I told him "you suck go away" and he replied "lol you insulted me 30 days of ban enojy" hahaha 30 days ban for insulting him hahahaha..This guy should get a nice and long ban/mute to behave
  15. I am not sure about lifebloom and Rejuv because I used mastery gems in my druid and I didnt see big difference at periodic heal which supposed to be increased with mastery (example if u have 30% mastery ur periodic heal should increase 30%)
  16. Do you know which spells maybe?
  17. Does mastery of resto druids working as intended? Please reply only if you're sure!!
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