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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. That Brazzerskill guy watching too much porn xD (this is what I mean)
  2. Someone watching too much porn ah? xD
  3. Thank you time to crash my pc xD
  4. Devs are already aware of this bug be patient until they fix it so you change your faction
  5. You need to follow the right format otherwise your report will get denied The correct format is here >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796
  6. Jegerm

    BG Wins

    Maybe but it's clearly random who going to win the game it's not that one faction only gets the game
  7. Edited photos aren't acceptable,provide the no edited screen shot otherwise this report will get denied
  8. 99% dont really think so man,lets be honest with new players :)
  9. lol this is fucking awesome don't fix it guys xD
  10. Nothing will fix it..you just need to wait devs fix this bug so you change your faction
  11. Jegerm

    BG Wins

    Well mate it's random sometimes ally wins some other times horde wins but tbh most of the times horde team gets the game
  12. Jegerm

    XD Calm down

    How you can judge something without even try it first and ofc we don't know what blizz gonna add in future anyway we're going off topic lets stop it here please
  13. If you don't follow the right format your report will get denied Format is here >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139802
  14. Jegerm

    XD Calm down

    Well,there aren't any decent i90 5.4.8. servers out there thats why ppl still play here because they just get bored to level up in other p-servers including me.If you ask me it's only worth to level up your character at retail
  15. Pretty much what ahmedov345, said.Try to find whats wrong and if you find it report it at bug tracker section
  16. They just don't know /ignore feature...Imagine if blizzard treat those guys like pandawow!Both forums and in-game would crash from reports
  17. Read 17th comment please,its my comment..Nerfing warriors won't help anyone on the other hand if devs fix all relating warrior bugs you will may see more combos at 2s/3s.So my point is to not nerf warriors but fix them with blizzlike way..Did I make my self clear now sir? Frostshotz, I guess you're trolling right? xD
  18. Indeed but we don't want devs nerf warriors we want developers fix all warrior relatings bugs right guys?????
  19. Keep doing GM's job,you're doing it great so far
  20. Bugged spells,passives etc affect damage.I never said that fire mages damage needs "nerf" or "buff",so what I mean is that they need to fix fire mages spells,passives and other things with blizzlike way instead of nerfing or buffing
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