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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Srsly u expecting someone to fix this soon? xD
  2. Wrong topic to comment that
  3. Follow the format >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796
  4. Jegerm


    This is what happening when admins refuse to hire more staff in their server...It's impossible to control 6k on-line players with 2 GM's and few mods
  5. The first 3 lines should be: locale "enGB" SET installLocale "enUS" SET realmlist "logon.pandawow.ru"
  6. Still unable to log in? Try to restart router and pc maybe it gonna work
  7. Wow really nice pic!! My city >> http://imgur.com/ygoi05u
  8. Indeed thats true but I have noticed that Wodempire in the last 2 months increased population. Pandawow atm is more populated than Wodempire but pwow is clearly dying and I guess after a year or so Wodempire will be more populated than pandawow because Juster and his team spent more time there (fixing bugs etc)
  9. I used to play on Wodempire and I think that it's more buggy than pandawow but tbh I haven't been online for like 2 months at Wodempire so I don't know what changes they did on realm
  10. Edited screen shots aren't acceptable
  11. Follow the format >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796
  12. You aren't banned it's just a new bug of server
  13. Not sure but I think you should open a thread at bug tracker section
  14. I understand everything and I totally agree
  15. Correct your grammar errors first and then you got the right to talk for pandawow community
  16. I'd suggest you to create a new thread for your issue and btw have you tried to restart your pc and router maybe your issue will be solved
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