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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Since cross realm don't work properly yes they got to remove it
  2. Do you really believe that ppl care if they going to get banned in forums?
  3. Price?
  4. So everything under control right? xD
  5. I mean the email you're registered with to create account in pandawow
  6. It's all fine as regards lock dmg on this case dont worry :)
  7. Do you have access in your email?I mean the email you used to create an account at pandawow
  8. Jegerm

    Bug glyph

    10/10 priority for a minor glyph lol?
  9. You're low geared and I guess you're getting attacked by a full geared lock.Also, all damage he hit you are criticals so I guess it's normal nothing wrong with it
  10. I wanna cry -_-
  11. Question guys..Did they fix pet bug with pvp power or Neff lied?
  12. This is going to get closed cuz staff will say to report each bug u are going to find at bug tracker section
  13. Juster said that they don't post changelogs because they don't have time
  14. I don't know if you ever worked for another private server as GM or admin but when you log at DB and you're checking logs it's an easy process.Lets say that you are admin and you want to check logs of "X" player which is high rated at 2v2 ladder do you know how long it's going to take to see if he actually wintraded or something?It's going to take literally 3-4 minutes.So as you understand they could give titles from the 1st day..
  15. Do you know that admins could give titles at 2 hours max but instead of it they just ignoring community?Sure major bugs are more important than titles but for god shake season started before 2 months and still titles aren't delivered
  16. Alright I guess thank you for letting us know
  17. Show us a screen shot of your problem please and something I want to ask..are you able to log-in with your account at pandawow's website?
  18. or never since arena season will end in 1 month from now
  19. Lol are you serious?Players worked for that titles and they spent their time to get high rating and they have to get their reward for that!Obviously you didn't have high rating in the last season so it's easy to say "ok titles don't affect game play who cares for titles"
  20. Great ideas but lets face it nothing important and huge is going to happen
  21. You must create a new thread here >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=169 Also,make sure to follow the correct format
  22. Jegerm


    Brb changing my druid to feral
  23. I think you should write a report at bug tracker. Also, try to delete your cache after repairing your character from website maybe it gonna help.
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