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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. The trick is to report bugs at russian bug tracker section.Majority of bugs they fix is from there!
  2. Yea they solved your issue when admins actually used to be active on pandawow but now situation is different. I got a friend who is waiting like 8 months admins change his email this is just sad..don't expect someone to change emails from now on End of discussion here lets stop being off topic xD
  3. I am not talking about bug I am talking about incorrect reports he doesn't even explain how it should work
  4. You got no clue stop making useless reports
  5. Format is incorrect
  6. Jegerm


    Yea Nemi is so funny sometimes but RIP
  7. So since you're already aware of this issue I guess you guys going to fix it in the up coming changelog right?
  8. Tbh I don't know if you're trolling now or you're talking srsly :D
  9. Someone logged with your account and he sold your character I assume
  10. I'd suggest you to give more info about your char on this thread too for example price,in which realm is your rogue etc..
  11. Indeed holy priests are so bad right now
  12. Sad but true rdruids basic abilities,passives etc are so bugged!!
  13. Haha yea I see good luck with that
  14. Jegerm


  15. I know that inscription is a profession but what Anwer saying doesnt make any sense
  16. Srsly u expecting someone to fix this soon? xD
  17. What do you mean with inscription?
  18. Wrong topic to comment that
  19. Follow the format >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796
  20. Jegerm


    This is what happening when admins refuse to hire more staff in their server...It's impossible to control 6k on-line players with 2 GM's and few mods
  21. The first 3 lines should be: locale "enGB" SET installLocale "enUS" SET realmlist "logon.pandawow.ru"
  22. You're wasting your time
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