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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Does anyone else except from you knows your account info?
  2. I am not completely sure but I think when you're typing your account psw wrong multiple times your account getting locked for 1 hour or something
  3. Before reporting a bug make sure to follow the proper format >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796
  4. Log-in with your pandawow game account at pandawow.ru/en and check if you're banned
  5. I'd suggest you to open a new thread about your issue
  6. Nice guide Mega you put a lot effort in it +1
  7. Follow the format >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796
  8. Jegerm

    Smoke Bomb

    For sure they care more about WoD but I believe that they care a bit for MoP russians too.They fixing like 100 bugs monthly if I am not mistaken so thats a progress even if sometimes they don't fix major bugs.
  9. Jegerm

    Smoke Bomb

    Sadly developers looking most of the times the russian report tracker section so I don't believe that someone will check this report
  10. I don't think that video is necessary screen shots shows enough
  11. You got sense of humor +1 xD btw I got a feeling that this is going to get closed cuz we should not talk for staff actions
  12. I don't work for pandawow..you should know that there're rules for reporting a bug on forums so you must follow them otherwise your report soon or late will get denied but yea I got your point
  13. Only 30 mins why? They have to perma ban his account for this huge violation
  14. Follow the format >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796
  15. I never really was big fan of Dragon Ball but parody isn't that bad :D
  16. You didn't get my point and who talked for modify anyway?
  17. You don't understand that your report will get denied cuz you have mature language on right?
  18. Yes ferals are still bugged AF and noone so far can find the correct formula
  19. The deal is who is fixing bugs or why they don't fix major bugs? (I am talking generally not for this topic)
  20. Sure why not?I guess if you make this guide you will help alot players
  21. You don't have enough proofs to get them banned
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