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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. It's better to set price by your own if you want to get more bonuses
  2. Jegerm

    Night gladiators

    The funny part is that Zeox said at his official post that he checked logs but he still gave titles to players who got banned for wintrading in previous season.I really wonder whats going on
  3. Follow the format >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796
  4. hahahahahahaha just fucking awesome no words man!!!All dialogues are so TRUE!!!! +1
  5. Nice video man btw I really like the music on your videos!! +1
  6. Can you prove all this bugs?If yes report them at bug tracker :)
  7. Ursodead the guy who violated above gets mute for this violation not ban so he can just mute him since he is chat mod btw in my previous post with ban I meant punish just to make myself clear xD (similar words)
  8. Since you can mute people why don't you ban him by yourself since he violate rules and you open a new thread instead.Make your life easy xD
  9. Mature lang is on and you didn't follow the format.Report is invalid
  10. I think he is c++ dev so he is going to fix bugs by himself
  11. I guess he want to get more views
  12. Make a post here >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=78845&page=53 Make sure to follow the correct format
  13. It's already 700+%
  14. Atm it's perma forum ban :(
  15. Check >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=106354 I think heroinmassive, playing at fun realm so there it's x3 times weekly.I don't know if problem solved please let us know!
  16. If you understand english make what I said in my previous post if you don't understand good luck
  17. Did you try to unstuck your char from website?
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