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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. or just remove "pay to unban" because people do same violations again and again since they know that they can pay to get their account unlocked
  2. There is already a report >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=182794 Lets wait to see what is going to happen
  3. Follow the format >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139802
  4. Follow the format >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139802
  5. Wrong section?
  6. best rappers in the world 2pac and this guy but 2pac is dead so this guy rulessss srsly now why he got cats in the "video clip" lol
  7. and again...u got mature language on man report is invalid
  8. You got mature language on...this report is going to get denied
  9. State how much bonuses u can offer to buy character.Will help you get what you want faster :)
  10. First of all,I don't think so that arena season 3 will end at 1/6/2016 because they delivered titles too late as you said above and admins are aware of the issues we have in the current season,I am talking for lag in cross realm Honestly,it takes literally few mins to check if a player who is in the first places in ladder if he/she wintraded or no.As I know only first 20 players in ladder (2s and 3s) get rewarded so I believe that they can give out titles in 24 hours after season ends
  11. If his PvE items are 4/4 he can sell it like 2k+ bonuses .I remember someone /w me when I was with my paladin and he asked me if I have 4/4 PvE items and he offered me 2.5k bonuses but unfortunately I hadn't any PvE item full upgraded :( Anyway,best of luck with you Cogman
  12. I think they still give ban but if u want to be sure ask here >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=230
  13. Cap supposed to reset at Wednesday and at friday..so far we lost 2 caps in fun realm.Lets hope that they will reset it tommorow (Monday) P.S. At fun realm cap resets 3 times weekly:Monday,Wednesday and Friday. At x100 realm cap resets 2 times weekly:Monday and Friday
  14. Nop I think it's bugged in general no matter what class u playing..
  15. Read my topic >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=182473 I think that they forgot to reset cap this week...I did cap with 3 of my chars and noone of my chars got his cap reseted Also,it's kinda impossible to have all ur chars cap reseted expect one since the cap issue still exists.Maybe you just played arena with the char which still got cap and not with all others characters?
  16. So simple but still issue exists.I guess that they need to hire someone to reset cap 3 times weekly at fun and 2 times at x100...It won't cost nothing to pandawow :)
  17. Staff need to follow server rules no matter what
  18. bye and remember to read rules before u start playing a game even if it's not world of warcraft
  19. hahahhaha pic says everything xD
  20. This guy is so arrogant lol
  21. Gave you answer in 2nd topic...as I said don't expect any help
  22. You should read server rules >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=79032 2.7. It is strictly forbidden to sell or trade any accounts, items, characters or other goods to a third person for a real money. It is your own fault that you got scammed it's not servers fault so don't expect any help from pandawow staff
  23. If you want to pass fixes in server u have to restart server to do that so I guess that's not the reason I believe that they just don't have enough time to pass fixes
  24. Maybe this bug will be fixed in changelog #14 which is coming in few days who knows..
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