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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. You playing at fun and you bought char from x100..when u bought ur char u didnt notice that you're at x100 char panel?Anyway I don't think this is possible
  2. Jegerm


    It's funny if you believe that you can make Licher leave with such topics.I don't hate Licher neither support him but on what you're focusing is completely wrong
  3. Jegerm


    A real challenger right here
  4. He don't have mount,look at his buffs better!No mount there
  5. Jegerm

    ww monk

    Nice video I really enjoyed when you played 3s
  6. 1. Juster already refused this suggestion in the past 2. If they will set min price to 400+tax they will lose money so they won't do it 3. I agree
  7. Jegerm


    Blame admins,they made the rules
  8. You're losing your time
  9. Sorry I couldn't resist xD Your gf >> http://imgur.com/zXuGAHC Your car >> http://imgur.com/4wn6IQ4 Your house >> http://imgur.com/PldQhtv
  10. I know man..I meant that every player who is queueing at bg or arena is lagging
  11. The only way to let admins know sadly is spamming
  12. I am online with my rogue right now and I can say that this bug doesnt exists anymore and since Shadrissa said that it's fixed and will be applied soon I guess everything is fine.She made the post at 21 of march and since then they did an update on server
  13. Rogues got a talent at 1st tier [subterfuge] "Your stealth breaks 3 sec after dealing or receiving hostile actions, rather than doing so immediately" maybe you mean that? Rogues got crazy burst and honestly they can kill you really fast so my thought is that they killing you in 3 secs so thats why you don't see them until your death (after 3 secs stealth is gone)
  14. Indeed it's major bug but there're still reports up from 2014 so imagine what is going to happen xD
  15. You can't even get titles at p-servers so plz...
  16. Inaxoflames asked to get refund and Zeox send his bonuses back..He didn't fix it yet
  17. 12/5/2015 >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=180905 (before 2 days) I guess it's still bugged
  18. Do you have any MW prideful items?
  19. The moment you are trying to get someone muted but you're getting muted as well btw I think you got muted becaused you typed with caps lock on
  20. Lol I thought it was just me but I lost 1k streght with my horde war but sadly can't prove it If this bug really exists its 100/10
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