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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. We're not supposed to answer in ban appeals within a day because we conduct investigations before we make our decision, it's not the way you think. Also, sometimes we're pretty busy but we always try to answer as soon as possible. Anyway, your account is already unbanned, next time please be more patient.
  2. For such issues you should open threads at donate problems and you need to make sure to follow the format. Closed
  3. Declined.
  4. Seconds are missing. Declined
  5. Seconds are missing. Declined
  6. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. From now on if you want to report someone for family insults you need to prove it with a video. Also, edited screenshots aren't acceptable. Declined
  7. Player not found.
  8. I am not sure about it due to lack of proofs but I will keep an eye on him. Declined
  9. Banned.
  10. You need seconds in your chat as well and you also need to disable mature language filter. Declined
  11. No one from the xfun staff muted Felxprod yesterday. Also, I think that the screenshot is fake and surely cutted because it's impossible to mute someone without a reason since we're punishing players with addons. Muted
  12. As I see you already posted your ban appeal in the right place. I will check it as soon as possible. Closed
  13. In case you got muted yesterday certainly wasn't me who took action because I was driving 6 hours to get back home (wasn't online when it happened). Anyway, I will ask all moderators & GM's at xfun and if someone punished you yesterday I won't mute you. Thread is closed till I decide.
  14. If so instead of replying back just report them at forums and we would punish violators. That's not an excuse. By your registration you click at "I have read & agree with pandawow rules" so I don't understand how it's possible to not being aware of server rules. Banned
  15. Punished.
  16. Player is from x100 realm http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-3511409.html please edit your format and for future reports provide evidences from which realm is the violator.
  17. You need timestamps with seconds enabled as well (Hours, minutes, seconds) Declined
  18. He made a poll and most people voted 3 months and according to plans season will finish at 30/08/2017 so I guess it won't happen.
  19. Player is already muted for another violation.
  20. Do you have any video proof because I can't be sure with couple of screenshots.
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