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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Player is from x100 realm http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-3511409.html please edit your format and for future reports provide evidences from which realm is the violator.
  2. You need timestamps with seconds enabled as well (Hours, minutes, seconds) Declined
  3. He made a poll and most people voted 3 months and according to plans season will finish at 30/08/2017 so I guess it won't happen.
  4. Player is already muted for another violation.
  5. Do you have any video proof because I can't be sure with couple of screenshots.
  6. I just deleted the thread to prevent further drama. He isn't trolling neither discussing your decisions or actions. Declined
  7. MiloradV2 If you want to complain about a QA member feel free to P.M. Zeox and explain him everything with details. Publicly criticizing or discussing a decision made by a staff member or their actions is bannable. Please don't open such threads in the future because the only thing you will achieve is to create more drama. It's up to owners who they want to hire and you got to respect that. Do I have to explain obvious things? I guess so... No one forced former QA team to stay in server, they were all still part of the staff when they made the suggestion about i90 realm. If they wanted to do it with the right way they would have resigned and then they could do whatever they wanted. Even when Zeox fired them he stated that they were all decent testers. Closed
  8. Read rules once again so you can fully understand them. For violations like relative insult video proof is a must. If you don't like the rule simply ignore the offender and don't report him at forums. Declined
  9. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. From now on if you want to report someone for family insults you need to prove it with a video. Declined
  10. WorstWarriorNA I can assure you that I am older than you. You just judged my work and my personality from a post I did and of course before I even make my decision for this report, you're such an adult :) Anyway, it's obviously lack of maturity. Your post is deleted, banned for 2.7. On topic: People already started to flood the thread. If you have extra evidences just open a new thread. Declined
  11. Do it. We need video proof for such violations.
  12. You need to provide a video proof so I can actually see the player moving in the air without mount because there is a visual bug and I can't be sure if he is really hacking or not. Declined
  13. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. From now on if you want to report someone for family insults you need to prove it with a video. Declined
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