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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. What if he entered in a battleground or arena? Not enough proofs next time provide extra evidences with /who. Declined
  2. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. Timestamps are missing (hours, minutes, seconds). Declined
  3. Player not found. Also, next time if you report someone for family insults and you can't find him with /who since he is in opposite faction just do a right click on his nickname.
  4. Use other forms e.g. different skin color, hair color. Also, don't use nicknames such as Tauren, Druid, Monk since those names are racial and class names. Moreover, I want to ask if this is happening only with this account or with every pandawow account you currently have?
  5. No, it's an in-game suggestion so you post it at the right place since we don't have a seperate subforum. Just wait an answer from Zeox.
  6. Nothing is reported yet or at least I haven't seen any complaints so far. All I know is that before few months Juster installed the imporved anti cheat system which is banning people with less reports than before.
  7. It's not working that way. Russian language is automatically selected in our forums. If you want to change language at english or spanish just check the bottom of the site. Closed
  8. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. From now on if you want to report someone for family insults you need to prove it with a video. Declined
  9. Cutted screenshots aren't acceptable. Also, you had to add name of violator in your format. Declined
  10. Try to repair your character from website.
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