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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Declined.
  2. Banned.
  3. Same report again and again with no new evidences. Declined
  4. First of all, you're not following the format and screenshots are edited. Also, those screenshots doesn't prove anything. Declined
  5. Issue is resolved. Closed
  6. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. From now on if you want to report someone for family insults you need to prove it with a video. Also, seconds from your timestamps are missing. Declined
  7. Not enough proofs. Declined
  8. Banned.
  9. [spoiler=In which channels our moderators work:]Remember that administration monitors violations of chatting in the following channels: • Private message /w • Global channels such as /world and /english • Yell /y • Say/s • Any channels of battlegrounds (BG, Arena) • Emotions /e • Looking for group • Trade chat in your faction’s main cities Note: Other channels (raid, party, guild) are moderated by leaders of those channels. Insulting administration/the server/relatives/nationality are moderated in all channels. We don't moderate in raid channel. Since what he said isn't one of those violations we can't take action. Declined
  10. Rating is removed.
  11. Rating is removed.
  12. Email is changed.
  13. You can only use English, Russian, Spanish and German language. Please check out our guide and follow all steps. Use one of the available languages. Closed
  14. Please write in english since this is international section. Closed
  15. The email from our server should be at your spam folder.
  16. Please take a look in our guide and follow all steps. You can change your account password here.
  17. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. First of all, screenshots are proving nothing and obviously player was trolling you. Declined
  18. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. From now on if you want to report someone for family insults you need to prove it with a video. Declined
  19. Write in english because I don't understand what's your issue. If you don't understand the language you may need to open a new thread here and ask people who speak the same language with you.
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