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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. From now on if you want to report someone for family insults you need to prove it with a video. Also, timestamps (hours, mins, secs) are missing from your chat. Declined
  2. Punished for insulting players.
  3. Stupid doesn't count as an insult. Declined
  4. Next time click with your cursor in both buffs so I can be sure that he is really violating. Declined
  5. Did you activate your account before you log-in? You should have an email from our server and all you need to do is to click at activation URL. Let me know if it worked.
  6. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108288/heart-of-the-wild & http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=124974/natures-vigil 2. The issue is that you can use Heart of the Wild and Nature Vigil in the same time. 3. It must not be possible 4. 30/8/2017 5. All realms 6. 10/10 since I have banned many players for this bug aubse. Proof: Note: You can see in the video how you can reproduce the bug. Pretty much Heart of the Wild goes at "General" in your spellbook so then you can use it without restrictions. P.S. I post this report here for obvious reasons.
  7. No connection between those 2 teams and it only happened once which doesn't mean necessarily that they were wintrading. Although, I checked logs and those players the have same IP so they're banned. I will send this thread to Zeox and I will ask him to remove rating from match 532460 since it got obtained unfairly even though Ðionysusqt, Thilan and Tallaque weren't aware that they were facing wintraders.
  8. Cross server is a unique realm where you enter when you're joining battlegrounds or arena. There you can face or be in the same group with people from different realms (x100, wowcircle). Also, administration implemented that system to reduce length of queue time. Closed
  9. Wrong section. If you know something which is bugged report it here and make sure to follow the format. Closed
  10. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. Declined
  11. You have to enable class colors at english chat as well. Declined
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