Log-in with your game account at http://cp.pandawow.ru/en.html , select realm, go at your characters and choose function "Repair". Also, make sure that your character must be offline.
Let me know if it worked.
About the ban system suggestion, Zeox already made a change and increased the amount of gold coins you need to pay to unban/unmute your account.
[spoiler=Cost of unban & unmute]
Service: before -> now.
Unban: 15 -> 30 gold coins per day.
Unmute: 50 -> 100 gold coins.
Also, about the question for the new arena season I have already talked with Zeox about it and he said that arena season 6 will begin after the upcoming update which is planned in this week if I am not mistaken or couple weeks after the update.
Try bandicam.
Also, I want to state that some players in the list are already banned for other violations or they already got banned for using pqr and ban expired.
Well, the truth is that if pandawow had "pqr anti cheat system" implemented in live servers the administration would have so much profit from the unbans and of course you the players would face less pqr users so as you understand both administration and community wants this system implemented as soon as possible but seems impossible to script it or at least very hard.