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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Declined.
  2. Banned
  3. Insults on a religious ground. Banned, 3d.
  4. Banned.
  5. Punished.
  6. Banned.
  7. Player's name is Solenata but I can't find him.
  8. It says that "This video is unavailable." Declined
  9. Wait an answer in the post you created. Declined
  10. As I see you already made a post in appeal thread so all you need to do now is to wait for our answer. Closed
  11. No answer from the author was given. If issue still persists feel free to open a new thread. Closed
  12. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. From now on if you want to report someone for family insults you need to prove it with a video. Declined
  13. Declined.
  14. Player is now banned.
  15. Not enough proofs. Player may entered in a battleground or arena game that's why he suddenly disappeared. Next time you need to provide extra evidences with /who so I will be sure that player didn't enter in BG or arena. Declined
  16. Punished doesn't necessarily means banned. We use that word when we mute someone as well and in this case player got muted not banned. Anyway, I have already said several times that this is an insult towards players not relatives. Muted
  17. Punished.
  18. Banned.
  19. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. From now on if you want to report someone for family insults you need to prove it with a video. Declined
  20. I don't see additional proofs for the violator like right click on his nickname or /who. Declined
  21. Edited screenshots aren't acceptable. Also, you have to report violators here or here because this is the english section. Declined
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