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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. It's really weird that issue still persists since as you said your friend already downloaded a new client. Did you also try to flash DNS and of course make sure that your friend isn't logging with his email address but with his username.
  2. It's server side issue, someone is DDOSing the server that's why you can't log-in. For more informations please take a look here. Closed
  3. We don't know yet. Just wait an official announcement from the administration. Regarding your question DDOS means Distributed Denial Of Service and it's basically when someone is using a stresser (3rd party program) which makes you lose your internet connection and basically you're going offline. Closed
  4. I have said many times that "motherfucker" is an insult towards you not towards your parents. Although, I was online when it happened and I gave him mute so the player is already punished for this violation.
  5. What exactly you didn't understand? I am not really sure anymore if you don't know how to read or you just want to waste my time. There is no possible way to help you out if you or your brother doesn't know his current email. It doesn't matter if your brother forgot his email or if his email got "hacked" but providing us his current email is a proof that he is the real owner so we can complete the email change. If you won't tell us your brother's current email we won't help you, simple as that. Closed
  6. I don't see your brother's current email in your format so I am not sure if he is the real owner. Declined
  7. I wonder the same thing about you but I guess I already know the answer. I already told you to follow the format but all you wrote there is just a mess and I don't see your brothers current email so I am not sure if he is the real owner that's why I can't proceed. I told you to edit your format more than 3 times but you ignored my recommendations but of course I don't have eyes and I am "bad" at my work right? Please learn to read rules before you start typing nonsense. Closed
  8. I don't know if you're pathological liar or you just "forgot" what you wrote in that ticket. I already warned you in the past and asked you to stop being rude against pandawow staff and server but you ignored my recommendations so even if this isn't the appeal section I am posting the video proof below. Don't ever call our server/realms "shitty" again, if you don't like our server you're free to leave. Closed
  9. Class colors are missing. Declined
  10. So if you say in chat "script body class=ru-ru auto kick" or ".pqr use" and similar I have to punish your character? I guess not right? Please next time provide real evidences. Declined
  11. Nigga isn't an insult and your video is cutted and just letting you know that we don't accept such evidences. Declined
  12. I don't understand Russian so I don't know whats written in the description. You have to report player here.
  13. This user is already banned for another violation. Your friend reported him here few days ago.
  14. Stupid isn't an insult. Banned for 2.3 veiled form for telling you to "stfu".
  15. "Your mom is bad" and stuff like this aren't insults towards your relatives. Player is muted for insulting players.
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