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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. It's the exact same video. Declined
  2. Muted.
  3. Banned.
  4. Already banned. Also, for future reports give us a direct link from pandawow's arena logs.
  5. Next time click on his debuffs. Declined
  6. Banned.
  7. Banned.
  8. Banned.
  9. Banned.
  10. Banned.
  11. We don't refund items which got obtained in-game. Our policy is to refund items which are bought from website store only. Closed
  12. Information is sent to administrator. Please wait for an answer in this topic.
  13. As you wish. Closed
  14. Not enough proofs. I need seperate screenshots of you clicking at his debuffs (HoTW & NV) Declined
  15. Punished.
  16. Punished.
  17. Already muted.
  18. He is now banned. If he create 1 more alt account (while his main is banned) his main account will get permanent ban.
  19. Punished.
  20. There is an issue with your friend's request. As I see your friend is using the same email (alucade12@gmail.COM) in 2 accounts alucade66 & alucade666. Therefore, as you understand we can't complete the request so ask your friend to create a new email adress for this account and let us know what's his new email adress for account alucade66.
  21. This IP isn't found in your logs and also I see many different IPs from different countries. Please indicate more IPs so I can be sure that you're the real owner.
  22. Banned.
  23. When you're reporting someone for spamming you need timestamps enabled with hours, minutes and seconds. Declined
  24. This is not an insult neither provocation. Declined
  25. I can't see where he is exactly insulting your mother. He is saying "kurwa" and this insult is towards you since he doesn't mention your mother. Muted for player insults.
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