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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Banned.
  2. Banned.
  3. Please open a new thread at this section again and make sure to follow the format. If you can provide some account informations like username, IPs and so on we will change your email manually so you can log-in back again with your game account. Declined
  4. Banned, 3d.
  5. It's because Zeox returned his rating, nothing suspicious there. There is no bug abusing in this case and we will check if something is wrong with MMR at 1v1. Declined
  6. Not according to rules and this proof isn't enough for a ban. For future reports read the rules for reporting. Although, player is already banned.
  7. You have to post your appeal here and also make sure to follow the format.
  8. Banned.
  9. Player not found.
  10. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. From now on if you want to report someone for family insults you need to prove it with a video. Declined
  11. Declined.
  12. Information is sent to administrator. Please wait for an answer in this topic.
  13. Banned.
  14. Banned.
  15. Banned.
  16. Not enough proofs. Already banned.
  17. Do what Weegee said. Declined
  18. Declined.
  19. Punished.
  20. Both are now banned.
  21. Banned.
  22. This is english section. You have to write only english in this subforum. Declined
  23. Rating is removed.
  24. Rating is removed.
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