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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Maybe you have corrupted files and it doesn't let you enter the game after the dc? Did you try to redownload our client again and do a force re-check just to be sure that everything is fine?
  2. No answer was given by the author. In case issue still persists do what Weegee told you and we will try to help you as soon as possible. Closed
  3. When your client is crashing are you getting any errors and if so what's the error ID. Also, are you using our new client?
  4. Maybe you have a decent connection but it isn't stable. Sometimes you may lose connection for 5-6 seconds and then it's automatically coming back.
  5. For such violations it would be better if you provide a video proof. Player not found.
  6. Banned for provocative messages about relatives.
  7. Your character is already unbanned and as I see you already posted your appeal in the right section. Closed
  8. Jegerm


    Player not found but if you see a hacker in-game just get some proofs and report him at report player section. Closed
  9. Not according to rules. We don't accept edited and cutted screenshots. Also, the resolution of screenshot isn't that good. Declined
  10. Not according to rules. When you are reporting someone for family insults you need to have timestamps with hours, minutes and seconds enabled. Declined
  11. For future reports I want you to click on violator (while he is flying in sky) so we can see if he is using a mount. I can't be sure if he is hacking because it could be just a visual bug. Declined
  12. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. Also, edited or cutted screenshots aren't acceptable. Declined
  13. I already redirected you twice and you keep opening threads in wrong section. I guess I will have to say it one more time then, you need to make a post in this topic like other people did http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=78845&page=85&p=1361521#post1361521. Please look what others did and this time post your appeal in the right section so I can help you. You don't need to create a new thread just make a post in the topic I linked above.
  14. Wrong section. You must make a post in this thread http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=78845 Closed
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