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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. This video is unavailable. Declined
  2. Banned.
  3. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. Also, you're missing timestamps and class colors in some screenshots. Declined
  4. For future reports please provide a video proof because I can't be sure if the player is hacking or he got ported in the sky by a hacker. Declined
  5. Banned.
  6. Not according to rules. I don't see additional proofs for the violator like /who player name or right click on player's nickname. Declined
  7. Wrong section but we can refund your item. Please open a new thread at donate problems and make sure to follow the format. Closed
  8. If you disagree with your punishment you can appeal here. Please be patient and make sure to follow the format. Closed
  9. Should be because we moved our data center in another place. We can't really do much with your case but you can try reboot your router and put all your settings to low. Also, make sure that you're not experiencing a FPS issue. Closed
  10. Player's name is Onshotonedie not Oneshotenedie but still character doesn't exists.
  11. Indeed. All his game accounts are now banned for 60 days.
  12. Those proofs aren't enough for a ban but character is already deleted anyway.
  13. Nothing suspicious about this player. Players not found.
  14. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. From now on if you want to report someone for family insults you need to prove it with a video. Declined
  15. Probably he got teleported in the sky by the MC hacker. Anyway, if you want to report someone for such violation you need to provide a video proof so we can be sure that the player is using cheats. Declined
  16. Player not found.
  17. Information is sent to administrator. Please wait for an answer in this topic. Also, write me in P.M. more IPs so I can be sure that you're the real owner of this account.
  18. Banned.
  19. Banned but for future reports please provide direct links from pandawow's armory.
  20. Banned.
  21. Banned.
  22. Solved the issue via P.M. Closed
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